First newsletter?


Hey scorpion,

I was pleased to see the FXFisherman economic calendar in my email yesterday and I have to say really good job on the designing! But do you think it is ready right now? I was expecting to see it in beta for at least another month or so.

What are your plans for it?


Hey gaz,

I'm glad that I could click the "send to all" button yesterday. I had had morality issue with mass mailing before that. Now all clear, i think i'll hit it bi-monthly like you suggested some time ago.

The calendar is ready now, though still in beta. I think traders should try it out, and i'll have more feedbacks. Ok the plan, i'm going to integrate data from other providers to fill the gaps. I hope every news will come with direction/future chart forecast. There should be preliminary and final as well.

Well the best thing is i may be on a breakthrough research which could turn the calendar into money printing machine--now it's partly possible with current predictor/forecast. This thing will be a magic mirror foreseeing the real future. I wonder if it'd best go with like paid subscription for some reasons, stealing the forecast is one.


How about, if its (too) profitable turn it into a a paid subscription. At least until its not in beta anymore..


Good point. Or maybe also accessible at no cost to active members--member with at least 100 posts and participate in discussions actively. I really like to see energetic community besides from financial support.

I'm wondering what's best to put in the next newsletter. I think i might throw in some news trading strategies, maybe one for beating BetOnMarkets.


Fantastic job on the newsletter!

This gave me an idea for an expert, a bit complex and might take some time for thinking but one day you mentioned that MT4 had the ability to collect information online to run the expert... Maybe there could be a news expert (although one may be really lazy since there arent that many news every month).

But on that subject how is the desktop alert manager thing going?


Thanks gaz. I'll take that as compliment. But the number of unsubscribers is on the rise...

The alert thing is not in development. Need to brainstorm the features, make sure it will be real useful for news traders.

Now I find expert bad for newbies. It just makes them lazy to learn how stuff works and maybe teach them (or us) the notion of "if it's not working, just throw it away, don't improve it. After all, there're zillions of expert for me."