Make Easy Pips With Economic Calendar - page 13


Did everibody get some pips yesterday Friday on NFP released ?


I missed it a cool 80 pips!


So the next 8 hours we'll have a major event coming. The prediction says Buy for 80 pips profit next 8 hours 24 minutes.

See how it goes today...

The prediction says Buy for 80 pips profit ...

Looks like we would have been stopped out on this trade.


Yes, the direction prediction somehow has some flaws. The timing prediction is perfect though.


Hey guys. I tried this method a couple of times and got stopped out. The market moved but in the wrong direction. so I did a test with small money and it got me about 45 pips on a big move. May try it again but what do you think. All I did was put a bet either way about 5 Mins before a big mover 80-90 pips predicted. put a stop of 15-20 pips and then waited for the move. Sure enough one stoped out at 20pips lost while the other sored up 65 pips. Total of 45pips profit. Am I missing somthing did I just get lucky this time?


Hey interesting idea! I never tried putting two positions at once. Maybe it works during low to medium volatile market. Of course, most of the predictions are just in the right conditions to follow this.

One thing i'm sure of: there're some people making money constantly from my economic calendar. They regularly use the calendar several times a day, almost every day, for almost a year now. I don't believe anyone would be so loyal if he weren't making money. When the calendar is down for a day, there're just lots of emails notifying me about the system glitches. (If you're one of these quiet money makers, please take a min to share something back.)



what's next?

NFP is within 9 hrs, previous 110 k, forecast 82 k;

Choices theoretically are:

1 - Better than previous, and, naturaly, better than forecast.

2- Worse than previous, but beter than forecast.

3- Worse than previous and worse than forecast.

Until now, all the economic indicators are showing not a danger of inflation, but somehow hanging on an edge of the recesion.

How to work the scenario 1, 2, 3 and keep the looming recesion in mind.

Ideas, andybody? In other words, what you guys are going to do, and what is more important right now, the one time calendar event that has no power to contradict all other economic indicators, or jus that one event for whatever time frame it takes, just to cash on, on the interpretation of the news, and finally, as I said, how to interpret these 3 possibilities (actually, 2).


Also, let's say,the forecast number valuation is more important than prevus number: if the number shall come around 90 something, that's better than forecast, but still worse than previous. More jobs would have been created then was predicted/forecasted according to the current situation of economy, but still a lot les then in a previous month. What's the conclusion? Is USD going to fall against major currencies, or rise against them? The Fed said they are going to monitor all indicators closely - what's the inpact on their opinion, by monitoring this one?

... I can go on and on all other altrernatives, just because if we would know them, then the simple click of the key(or mouse) would let us to create an alutomated response system to the number as soon as we hear it.

As for now, I respect the creator of the system that I either don't understand, because it is too simple or is it too complicated to be programmed for an automated action, but thank you anyway for looking up to find the solution.

Keepp a good work!



My mistake, haven't look at the site for a long time and in haste just posted nonsense!

Back to the begining.



I'm short selling EURUSD at market price now with SL: 30, TP: 80 pips. Today I will test straddling 30 pips above and below 1.4640. No SL/TP for pending orders.