indicator help ,please [Coded]


hi guys ,could any1 code me an indicator that takes the high and low of monday and projects either lines or a box across the rest of the week,i.e to friday,posted a pict to explain,any help with this would be great,thanks

chart1.jpg  62 kb
chart2.jpg  62 kb

Looks like a great indicator. I'll take the liberty to code. The indicator will look just slightly different.

Edit: Some brokers show a few bars on Sunday too. Should ignore them?


thanks for any help scorpion with this,as for the data on sunday it would be slightly better if it was not included,but it is not really a major factor,i have a weekly system that i have built round this that i would be more than happy to share ,once again i appreciate any help with this ,thanks


erm...........hate to be a pain scorpion,just thought,any chance if you have not started to code this yet that you could add an additional line exactly half way between the hi and low,thanks again


It shouldn't be any prob. I'll code for you and others after my works are finished.


thanks scorpion,i appriciate your help with this and understand you are busy,no hurry..........well not much ,just doing some vids and writing the rules up for a system or 2 i will post later,if ive got the time,like you im rather busy...........well there is football on tv and a beer or 3 to have,thanks again scorpion


I almost forgot my promise, but I code extra for you. Just in case, you can change from Monday to any weekday by changing Weekday variable.

Monday : Weekday = 1

Tuesday : Weekday = 2


Saturday : Weekday = 6

Sunday : Weekday = 0

Set Hide_Day = false if you want to show the temporary projection.

Hope you like it!


I know you are even lazy to plot the Fibos. In a sense, it's time consuming and annoying in manual backtesting. So this new indicator automatically plots the Fibos for you. Red dots are Monday's High/Low. Blue dots are either entry or stop.

I'm sure y'all gonna like this lazy man's stuff!


your an absoloute genius my freind,thank you so much for your hard work it is really it is just wat i was looking for...................

I know you are even lazy 
yes no offence taken ,it is time consuming doing manual backtest,but NOT now............thanks again scorpion