

Here is a thought,

The name of our forum is FXFisherman, baciscly this is a brand. Maybe we should like create an abriviation, and register a second domain. Somethin like https://www.mql5.com/go?link=http://www.fxf.com/ , it is easy to remember, fast to type in, and it looks more like a brand.

Without discussing the financial aspects, tell me what do you think, whether this is a good idea or a bad one. Maybe it is not useful now, but will get usefull as soon as the trafic goes up?


Yes, fxfisherman is a brand. It's good if you could afford to buy fxf.com, it's it's easy to type in. F x f all use left fingers! I'll contact the owner.

However, our name is not quite long, so i guess it wouldn't be any problem at all. I think fxfisherman is easier to type than forex-tsd which doesn't have any type-in prob at all.

Although we don't have the fxf.com, we can say fxf to refer to fxfisherman.

