Kolachi Method of Trading - page 128


what happened to the original poster? i am keen to follow his system



I am still afloat and trading well.


what happened to the original poster? i am keen to follow his system

Mr kulachi,

I hope yor ok,

Inl last posts of zach, he removed 200 and 100 ma from charts. Is it approved by your system?

Thank you

Hello,I am still afloat and trading well.kolachi

Also what is yor opinion for e/u? I try to buy it as daily go up

thank you



Kolachi Method has 5 moving averages. For any traders who is not expert in KM should use all 5 emas. However, the original text of Kolachi Method mentions the couple of wma5/ema21 oscillating around ema200. Thus, wma5, ema21 and ema200 are essential part of Km and cant be removed in any circumstances. We can remove ema55 and ema100 if we are expert in KM.

Regarding eurusd, it is bullish on higher charts but somewhat bearish on daily chart. Keep buying on dips when wma5 changes slope upwards.


Also what is yor opinion for e/u? I try to buy it as daily go upthank you

Dear kolache,

You said that 55ma is strong resist/support. Is it wise to removed by an expert in KM?


Hi,Kolachi Method has 5 moving averages. For any traders who is not expert in KM should use all 5 emas. However, the original text of Kolachi Method mentions the couple of wma5/ema21 oscillating around ema200. Thus, wma5, ema21 and ema200 are essential part of Km and cant be removed in any circumstances. We can remove ema55 and ema100 if we are expert in KM.Regarding eurusd, it is bullish on higher charts but somewhat bearish on daily chart. Keep buying on dips when wma5 changes slope upwards.kolachi

My opinion is that the only one ma should be never removed is 55


Dear kolache,You said that 55ma is strong resist/support. Is it wise to removed by an expert in KM?thanks

Also 55 and 100 don't oscillate around 200?

My opinion is that the only one ma should be never removed is 55Thanks

Yes 55 ema is strong support and resistance but we can trade without it as KM2 does not use ema55.

ema100 and ema55 do oscillate around axis that is why KM has 5 essential mas to use. However, each ema has its role. For instance, removing ema21 or ema200 destroys basic set up of KM whereas removing ema55 or ema100 does not.

I respect your opinion, I was just explaining rules of KM.


Also 55 and 100 don't oscillate around 200?

Hey Kolachi! Long time no hear hope you are well!

I have been trying to email you but perhaps not getting through? Please email me on my regular email we always have spoken on before, just want to catch up really and let you know how things are going... suppose I could do that here LOL

Just to say trading is going very well thanks to you, managing to still work a day job and trade part time but like we spoke about before over email I'm looking to try full time trading one of these days.

Anyway, do get back in touch on my hotmail!
