Kolachi Method of Trading - page 36



Thanks for the post and the question.

You might have noticed that this thread is more than one year old. Many things change with time. I had started teaching Kolachi Method free of cost almost two years ago. I enrolled about 500 traders free of any cost. Later on I felt that it was necessary to charge some fee to keep away non serious traders who just join forums to raid threads.

Presently Kolachi Methods costs only 50 USD. I suppose it is not much cost for a serious trader as it equates to 5 pips of a lot. I know traders pay more fee to the market than what I charge. There is a condition that trader should open a trader's journal in KPF and post 100 posts to show that he is working on KM then he is allowed access to senior sections. If he is lazy to post or dedicate time to learn and demonstrate then he has to pay additional 50 USD to get access to senior sections. It is the cost of learning KM: nothing more nothing less.

My other website is called Kolachi Academy. Only traders who have undegone Live Mentoring are allowed access to KA. It costs 500 USD per method or if anyone wants to learn all then i usually charge 1000 USD. Thus giving them 50 per cent discount. It is cost of my time and my dedication to teach guys about market, trade management etc. Roughly I accept one student per month for Kolachi Live Mentoring but sometimes I seriously consider to discontinue mentoring because it needs more efforts and my trading time is affected.

Yes I always say that you can learn KM in this thread free of any cost. However, I teach here only principles and rules. It is duty of the learner to work hard to witness their application on charts. If I have to do everything then it is better for a trader to spare 50 USD and read stuff in KPF where almost each question is already answered. In addition to that 50 USD gives you unlimited access to me through email or PM as long as you like to learn.

Hope I have clarified it.


Thanks for this thread...I have read many many pages so far....but not all yet.I notice that you talk many times about how it is all free and you are not selling anything, but on your website its all Paid for .....500 usd for one system, 500 for another etc etcI dont understand why you say on here its all free and not selling anything??

Well am new here, I am not even sure I am doing This posting correctly. Anyway my intention is just to say hi to everybody. I am here to get as much help as I can to succeed in forex trading. Trading Software, methodologies.......anything that actually works.


Hi Ronald,

Welcome to this great forum. If you want to succeed in forex then read forums as much as you can. It will help you understand the ins and outs of the market. Knowledge and perseverence are the keys to success. After few days when you have good feel of forex market, start reading systems threads. There are many successful systems out there in the market. Few are mechanical systems and others are manual. Each method has its own mertis and demerits. Like any other trader you will have to go through all this process to find out what suits your style and what works for you.

Once you have deicded a system or method then put in all efforts to know goods and bads of that system. Enough screen time and chart study will pay you a lot in this field. The story of EAs and automation comes after this stage.

Good Luck.


Well am new here, I am not even sure I am doing This posting correctly. Anyway my intention is just to say hi to everybody. I am here to get as much help as I can to succeed in forex trading. Trading Software, methodologies.......anything that actually works.

Hi everyone, I am new here and to the Kolachi method. I would like to learn this and any help would be greatly appreciated. I also hope that i can help others as well . Please direct me to the first steps anyone. Thanks in advance . Pauly


Hi pauly,

Welcome to this forum.

In forex forums learning is on self help basis. Others can only give you some guidance. However, you will learn with more and more readings. As far as Kolachi Method is concerned, please read this thread from beginning where you will get relevant stuff posted. Once you read that, try to practise the same on charts under a demo account. When you feel any trouble in implementing theory on live charts, post your questions here. I will try to reply your questions as much as I can.


Hi everyone, I am new here and to the Kolachi method. I would like to learn this and any help would be greatly appreciated. I also hope that i can help others as well . Please direct me to the first steps anyone. Thanks in advance . Pauly

Thanks Kolachi,

By the time you posted your welcome reply I had read the whole threadand came away with the general idea of your method. Now I wish to learn more of the intrcacies, if you will. I would like to join , but not sure which level is most suitable. Any suggestions are welcome as I am on the fence here. Thanks again.


Weekly Performance

Month:January, 2008

Week:09-16th day

Equity Change: +3.17%

Pips Pefromance: +767 pips



Hello Kolachi,

Your system looks great, does it has a steady ROI?

Or does it change every week.

Also how long have you been working on this system?



I checked your blog and seen very good results. Thumbs up.

I have been working on Kolachi Method more than two years and it behaves with me. Thats what i want.


Hello Kolachi, Your system looks great, does it has a steady ROI?Or does it change every week.Also how long have you been working on this system?
Hi,I checked your blog and seen very good results. Thumbs up.I have been working on Kolachi Method more than two years and it behaves with me. Thats what i want. kolachi

Thank you I have searched a long time in order to find a moneymannager who generaes this results.

And it's also nice to see that you are verry happy with your system!