1000 MT4 indicators - page 11


thanks for


Hi richx7 - i just registered & it's really cool to get so many indikators!

i'm looking for fmm pivot points - but somehow i can'f find them any more...

Here are almost 1000 MT4 indicators to get you started.


Pretty good information I will study about them soon, there are really many indicators to take advantage to. Great!!! Thank you..


Hi everyone, i am very glad to part contributor to this forum.

I have been demo trading cum live trading for over 2 years and it has been quite challenging but interesting.

Glad to write you today.More on my trading system in my reply later on today

Warm regards.



Thanks very much, you guys are really helping



Thank you very much guys there is great information in this forum, I´m new in here I join today and I´ve found kind people, that’s awesome!!!. I´m not in the wrong place, I will learn loads from here


hi everyone i hope i can help in a positive way on this site. happy trading best luck


Thanks a lot for these indicators

Here are almost 1000 MT4 indicators to get you started.

Rich, Thanks for access to the MT4 indicators...they are very much appreciated.


Thanks for the indicators. Have you ever heard of an indicator called swiss cheese?