My million-dollar forecasts - page 2


Is there any way to setup something so it could start a trade at a precis time regardless the price? For example in this case open a trade long at 6:59 and takeprofit at 120, or close at 17:00

This could make newstrading awesome...


It can be done, but it might be erroneous. Consider this: you aim for 100 pips, but market has moved 99 pips already. The order will blindly trigger at market price. However, we might add a feature that enter stop/limit order instead, to protect in case of the market moves earlier. It would be a great to trade news indeed.

Ok, let see if I could program it.


It can help this eurusd buy under 1.2762 t/p 1.2797 s/l 1.2722


:mad: buy the rumor sell the fact


EURUSD is going up. Yeah...! It's going through the roof!


now is goin down to1.2785


:mad: if cross 1.2828 heavy stop at 1.2835 sell at 1.2835 or more


Don't sell dude. ECB raised the interest rate to 3%. It won't go down much. Expect up trend for following weeks. This is called high probability trading. Of course, it will go down says 50 pips, but it's taking damn high risk. Even you go with blind long, you're risking less.


yup u rigth but the pair taking a litle brake today

be advice to sell @ 1.2835 if can cross 1.2828 today before 9pm pacific time today


:sweatdrop maybe the pair never cross the 1.2828 not today

we are there yet!