Becoming a Millionaire in 4 years - page 2


Yooo Scorpion do you think we should start our own signal or managed acc? As long as some know how to press B & S, now news to worry about, no S & R, no pivot, no money managment, no VIB, no worry where the big dog is smashing, no stop loss, plus some one can trade in th bum bum room very spoon feeding type just long or short granted @ +10 pips up to 200 pips/day max @ pair


Man, why do you use CAP LOCK? it's difficult to read.

If i were to start signaling, i'd choose you to type B & S for me. You'd may start with blogging first, ok?

Man, why do you use CAP LOCK? it's difficult to read. If i were to start signaling, i'd choose you to type B & S for me. You'd may start with blogging first, ok?

Thank man for the honour ,It is creapy dude $10000 /mo and $3 /pips .Haa haa haa who edit it ? or no unicef around:whistling


Scorpion why the Charles Darwin now a days ? Long time no talk talk


zztop, please calm down... I didn't understand a single word you posted.

I understand:

blah blah blah

-GBP Buy at 7512 Close at 7525

-GBP Sell at 7522 Close at 7517

-GBP Sell at 7522 Close at 7412


What do you dont understand ? S 7518 - C 7509 the last one Im here at that time . Cam on no body miss me here? even dought the trade is real no body will trust it wright ?Friday is a climx day have got to have it . it is a good friday US markt sloww but got to have it or fillin 4 days primature .I didnt write any thing for some time ,dono what to write too .Have fun lil bit dude , let it loose a lil bit and be ready to pimping next week

Scorpion why the Charles Darwin now a days ? Long time no talk talk

Nice to see you again man.

For the Charles's quote, I thought it's meaningful for traders. As you might know, many people believe that a trader must outperform the market in order to make profit; in other word, a trader must be the smartest and the strongest of all to beat the big dogs who poccess millions $ for R&D. But my way, just be responsive to change, follow the trend, we'll be alive and wealthy.


Couldnt agree more,nice to see you scorpion and all .luv:o


Oh, he's now up to $4357.10.

Do you think he will make a million in 4 years?

P.S. Forgot to mention that to become a Millionaire, he would need to make a billion $$$ instead of a million. That's what I know from Forbes Magazine.


hi everyone

i was just wondering, have anyone thought of making a living from trading news only. i mean mastering news is another dimension of forex. some benefits i can think of are the scheduled trading, stress lasting a few minutes. can someone give me some tips on how to become a pro in news.