Forex Signals


hello all,

Does anyone have experience with Dashboard signal software from FXuniversal?



The dashboard looks nice, but I'm doubt its quality. The price is a bit too high too. Anyway, i've never heard anyone earning profit from these kind of softwares and from so-called signal providers. They wouldn't sell these if they could forecast profitable trades. So best is to save your money on trading books instead. Just my 2c


Well, somewhere i have heard a saying that some people are menat to do analysis , and some people are meant to trade. That means that some people are good at analytics and some people are good at trading. I think that theese two are different. An analytic analyses the situation on the market and tries to predict the future movements depending on the info he has. A trader reacts on what the market is doing right now. Of course a good trader has to be a good analytic, but a good analytic can not be a good trader. Maybe this is the matter of selling forex signals.

Some people who are selling the signals want to just earn enough money to start trading on their own.

I have seen a link to a really weird signal website, does not look professional but the prices are nice and the pip return looks good. But I still have doubts.