Different ZeroCode?


Hello, I'm just wondering if there are any program like FishermanZeroCode thats not generating .mql but .mt4 insted?

I'm reading and learning about coding myself but that will take some time. And i really like ZeroCode exept for that it doesnt generate .mt4, and there is a little more thats is enoying, its that you cant take whatever indicator you like. I understand that that can be difficult to build such an app but i would be great.

And whilst I'm already writing I just want to thank everybody here at the forum, you are doing a great job and are very helpful, I have learned alot just from reading what you all have to say.

May the trade fall your way, and that all the pips will be yours someday



Hi dennisros, welcome to fxfisherman.

I have some ideas to create new version of ZeroCode for mt4. The first idea is making it as an online tool which does not require user to download and install the software and updates. The second idea is support custom indicators. I love the these ideas very much, but unfortunately I cannot produce enough time to take action. Anyway, I'm looking forward to it as always. No promise, but one day the new version might pop up without alert.

Happy trading all...


OK that sounds wonderful, looking forward to that day, and i can say that a lot of people will be greatful. Maybe the programers most, because then they do not have to create everybody elses stuff