Fisher Transform - page 3


ive tested lots of fishers...most repaint bars go into 1 minute and look it will readjust can really tell if you put on alerts on a few i have..they alert disappear then reapear somewhere else..they are great for backtesting but you will see in realtime realmoney not effective enough or stable am testing the new fisheryurik to see if i can get it to not repaint past bars hopefully soon i can post it


Hi auto trader,

All fixed since December last year. Maybe I was the first who fixed the bug in the "Fisher Yur4ik". I remembered going to forex-tsd forum to disclose the bug.

You can download the fixed version from page 2.


i have the fixed version but its lags way behind which is very unfortunate. put that one one a 5 minute chart per (25) set alerts to TRUE...i like the alerts but add these levels

BUY +.90.....CLOSE BUY +30

SELL -.90....ClOSE SELL -.30

if you sit and click on indicator to bring up settings and just hit OK it will repaint but its a pain in the rear, then look at what happens when you refresh the actual chart or just let it run for a bit.. If it wouldnt repaint so many bars, only 1 or 2 and i would use it all by itself to trade

FX_FISH12.mq4  4 kb

fisher yurik from page 2 change colour on closed bars?


It looks lime if it's above 0 and red if below 0.

more about the indicator and other Fisher based indicators you can find Here at TSD Forex forum...a more comprehensive discussion you'll find over here.. unfortunatelly this indicators it's so good because it paints back the past, so it will always signal the turn in price when you look at past activity... although i'm curious about the EA,and how will it behave...

good job please keep up the good work


this fisher draw past?


This one doesn't repaint past values.


Scorpian..Thanks for fixing the Fx_fish indicator...You ROCK dude...You are one of the greatest..Thanks...


I added the Yur4ik EA to 30m charts of about 6 pairs. I also added the Yur4ik indicator. Some charts were showing buy signals, some were showing sell signals. However, when I added the EA to the charts and enabled live trading, (I also clicked on long and short positions) all of them immediately opened buy positions, even if the indicator was showing sell on some of the charts. Why is that, and what can I do to correct it?