Simple Combined Breakout System for EUR/USD and GBP/USD - page 4


thanks a lot ,i download it and try .


Month of August 2007: +1318 pips.

Total: January to August 2007: +159 pips.

System is recovering well.


Oh....eight months only 159 pips ? How can use the system for long time ?

Oh....eight months only 159 pips ? How can use the system for long time ?

Latest Monthly Results

September (till 14th): +125

Total Since jan 2007: +284 pips

75 Pips Net PL from 2005.11.14 to 2005.11.18




Been a long time since I posted results of live manual hans trading.

so here are the latest:


Jan +270

Feb -344

Mar -755

Apr -323

May +220

Jun -69

Jul -158

Aug +1318

Sep +1016

Oct +12

Nov +437

Dec =?

Total For Year 2007: +1624 pips

THE RISE OF HANS Been a long time since I posted results of live manual hans here are the latest:2007Jan +270Feb -344Mar -755Apr -323May +220Jun -69Jul -158Aug +1318Sep +1016Oct +12Nov +437Dec =?Total For Year 2007: +1624 pips

I think it will be better if you combine with other oroven system


Can you make profit using it ? How long have you tested it in real trading.

I think it will be better if you combine with other oroven system

Sure, this is why I never traded it alone. I combined it with other 5 systems: 1. SIBKIS, 2. FOZZY, 3. Daily20pips, 4. LondonWhisper, 5. Forex Killer,

At no time I was losing, even when the system had its largest drawdown of 1600 pip, because other systems would make up for that.

Currently I am +3000 pips up. I know this is not a big number, but for the security you have and low-low risk, it is a nice result.


Hi every one I am a newbie, how do I get the best out of this forum