MT3 API for and C# - page 6


Everyone, please download the API wrapper for .net again in Downloads Section. Wrapper's source code and missing flash video are now included.

Sorry for inconvenience



When studying about TradeRecord structure in MT3APIWrapped dll, I found wondering about if it was possible to change Comment in a TradeRecord instance.

Is it possible to write comment on a traderecord object through API?


It's just a normal exception when your application is disconnected from metatrader server. All you can do is reconnect (remember disconnect first or reinitiate mtapi objects). Hope this helps

i have a problem with reconnecting in your MT3 API .NET demo

when i click Connect second time I got message "some error" and application terminates.

what can be done to fix it?


ok, i managed to fix this by reinstantiating 2 MT3APIWrapped objects in Connect()


This api is the low level one, so you'll need to reinstantiate it. I remember using Disconnect() or Dispose()


Hello to all

Thanx a lot for all your work and efforts...

Am not programmer, but will transmit these infos to some friends involved in platforms programming..

Bye and best regards



recently saw another free way to program C# for MetaTrader
