FXFisherman Live Backtesting Status - page 2


Sounds great. To good to be true honestly. =)

InterbankFX is now caughted red handed. They slipped each trade from 1 to 3 pips.

Just to be aware, InterbankFX is not a bucket house. They quote the prices they get from the bank. The way they make money is the 1 pip commission.



In that the only way InterbankFX does not make money in "slips". If anything it only makes customer unhappy and makes them leave. The orders go directly to the banks they work with. They make money from the 1 pip commision.



i don't think any of us were expecting THAT good of test, but it's still early

but WOW what a start. can't wait to go fishing lol


These a few days, my internet connection is not so good, so the result is mostly spoiled.


Let's not get overly excited otherwise the dissapointment will be greater if turns out to be bad


I've always been trying my best not to make you over excited. Like the 4 years backtested result, it was soooooo wonderful, but I wasn't sure if the result would be the same in live trading, so I'm keeping the result till the day I'm confirmed that the system works the same way as backtested result.


There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, learning from failure. Colin Powell

I've always been trying my best not to make you over excited. Like the 4 years backtested result, it was soooooo wonderful, but I wasn't sure if the result would be the same in live trading, so I'm keeping the result till the day I'm confirmed that the system works the same way as backtested result.

sounds really good Scorpion ... I wonder if when you are satisfied if you might post the numbers from the backtested trades... like # trades... # winners, losers... then we can calculate % winning trades, average winner / loser, etc... I guess we can also do that when we start testing ourselves... but as you say it would be interesting to compare the live testing we do to the backtested results that you already have

In any case, it all sounds good... keep up the good work and good luck in the future testing


any updates on how its doing when the connection is good?