FXFisherman Live Backtesting Status - page 3


Oh, sorry for such late reply, coz I've been very busy.

I'm not testing the client at the moment, coz my internet connection is off for days, and until Khmer New Year days are finished I will be looking for a new connection from another isp.

Ok, if the connection is good, I will post the result daily.


I think you'll be a bit shocked if ... I tell you that a 128Kbps (16 kilobytes/s) connection in Cambodia costs about $400-$500/month. I cannot believe how irresponsible the operators are. They are now celebrating a big anniversary while their network is not working .

I think you'll be a bit shocked if ... I tell you that a 128Kbps (16 kilobytes/s) connection in Cambodia costs about $400-$500/month. I cannot believe how irresponsible the operators are. They are now celebrating a big anniversary while their network is not working .

are those in US Dollars???


Yes, US$400-500/month. Now i'm with slow dialup 9.6 Kbps connection that costs me about US$2/hour. So funny things always happen here in my country like a $1000 laptop in US costs about $2700 in Cambodia, and $10,000 car in US costs me about $30,000 in Cambodia.


But why so? As far as i am informed, Combodia has not such a wealthy people. For most of the livers of Combodia 500 $ must be a fortune? Isn`t it?


That's why it's funny. The only reason that make those goods far more expensive is that they are all imported into Cambodia, so those goods include transportation fee + export tax + import tax + value added tax. For instance, imported oil in Cambodia costs more than twice the price in USA. 1 litre of gasoline costs about US$0.825.

This is a true fact for poor Cambodians.


Well i think that is not so funny, as sad. Here in Latvia Gasoline costs almost the same as in the Combodia, and it is expensive here, in an European coutry . As to Combodia, i am shocked...


By the way, Happy Khmer New Year 2548!

By the way, Happy Khmer New Year 2548!

and happy 300th post to you


Hey, I have one good news and one bad news. Which one do u like to hear first?

Let me tell u the good news first. The live testing is back on its track now after I got a new fast dialup connection last two days. This allows me to run both Client & Server 24 hours day non-stop.

And the bad news is ... (you can skip reading it) ... that the release is going to be delay 1 month due to insufficient testing.