Graphics advice needed - page 4


Excellent! Good works, cartoon. I like your logo very much! Just one thing I'd like the logo not to include any english alphabet like "fx fisherman". What do you think if we can replace it with any kewl symbol?


Nice logo Cartoon. Simple and fresh. I like that!

Scorpion: just out of curiousity; why are you against the English alphabet?

Where will the logo be placed? Constantly in full view or hidden in the about box?

If in full view; maybe you can consider giving the rest of the interface the same look.

If you take Cartoons logo the buttons should have a splash of orange too.

An application needs an icon too...


Cartoon's logo is really nice indeed. It looks fresh and very attractive. I'm not against the the english alphabet, but I'd like the logo in symbol, so the same logo can be used as icon as well. Two birds with one shot.


Just my $0.02c worth.

Cartoon's logo is really cool - I like it a lot.

Why not have the full blown logo as it is now which is used as a header as well as a shortened logo without the text, for branding purposes. The latter then to be shrunk to be used as the icon.

Agree with TraderSeven in keeping the general look/theme of the application along the same lines as the logo.




scorpion, what kind of logo are you trying to make? I can't think of anything that would reflect fxfisherman without using the alphabet.. How bout using a circle with candles in the middle?


Here is what I have in mind, nothing official just using my view, what do you guys think?

logo2g.gif  3 kb

Hello guys, i'm back

I had several problems with my computer (hardware and software)

Windows xp is very strange

But now it works

I had not doing trades for 1 week forex is a dope i think

For the fxfisherman's graphics it looks very promising, keep on this way



Cartoon, how much time have you spent on the logo?


I use 30min to design it, and I didn't know you guys like it, I feel a bit shy

About scorpion request and gazuz idea, I will try to design a new logo, but it will take time. By the way, thanks to all of you guys I will do my best :sweatdrop


Man... dont be shy. Can you draw a cartoon of fisherman robot? I think your relation with the term "Cartoon" is more than just bahaviour.