Graphics advice needed



Now i'm partly writing FXFisherman Client's user interface. I've been thinking from time to time of how fxfisherman's logo and user interface should look like, but I couldn't even picture the sizes and shapes of those things, since i'm not really a graphic designer. I always expect a really kewl design of the robot. Don't you?

About the logo, I think it should relates to fisherman and finance. What do you think? Can you picture it? tell me.

And about the interface of fxfisherman client, it is quite simple. Firstly, it has a list of open trades and orders. Secondly, it has a few buttons for user to intervene such as closing a trade, closing all trades, and starting stopping the robot. Thirdly, it has a status box which tells user of what is going on and what user needs to do to fix current problems, etc. Forthly, it has a separated window for user to configure the robot such as setting both broker and fxfisherman logins information, setting the trade size, and setting the maximum balance of all trades. These are things that I can think of, so what do you think? How do you want those look like?

I think that's it, and I can't wait to hear your suggestions. I would really appreciate your helps.



Do you want to a graph showing where the we entered the market, and what has been going on. If you are using limit orders, how many more pips till we enter the market. If possible when we would get out of the market. Maybe show a few things on the graph such as support resistance, anything about the strategy you do not feel is privilaged to know. It is nice to see a graph with what is going on. If you can when it might enter the market. The ability to place our own indicators on, so we can see how we might improve what is going on.


One thought is to make the first one very simple and add more later to get things going quicker.


Do you want to a graph showing where the we entered the market, and what has been going on. If you are using limit orders, how many more pips till we enter the market. If possible when we would get out of the market. Maybe show a few things on the graph such as support resistance, anything about the strategy you do not feel is privilaged to know. It is nice to see a graph with what is going on. If you can when it might enter the market. The ability to place our own indicators on, so we can see how we might improve what is going on.

Interesting idea. I've been thinking of adding a chart too. That would make the communication between FXFisherman Client and Server a bit complicated, but I'll try my best to bring these things reality in next version; Version 1 is a rush version.


I'm working on it right now. just a little visual, not really complete either, room for alot of improvement, then I can enter all the suggestions that I see here or you want me to put and then we can see how it will look like


Alright here is what I have for now, tell me what else you would like me to put in there and I will gladly do it.

screenshot.jpg  122 kb

Looks great gazuz.



It would be nice to have the ability to see totoals for a week, month, or what ever, not just tototals since we started.



I hope this idea does not upset Scropion. But I think it would be better to have an ugly looking client and have it sooner, then a good looking client later. I do like things to look nice, but I would rather have pips now rather then later if I had a choice.



The prototype look nice and simple. By looking at gazuz's, I'm reminded that I forgot to put account info box such balance, profit/loss, etc. And gazuz, you forgot to put a Status Box. I think it will look good if placed in the bottom. Good job!


Good idea that you, gazuz, remind me about using tabs design.