

Hello everyone,

This is mostly directed to scorpion, could you tell us where you are at? Is the backtest currently in progress or is it still in preperation? Im sure that if other people contribute then there will be a faster production, therefore smaller waiting time. I only know of scorpion working on it right now, but is anyone else contributing?

Im just asking for the people here who are wondering. When is the approximate date of accomplishment? and Is there any way for us to help you since we haven't really hear from u in a while...

Thank you in advance,

Take your time to answer.



Hi gazuz,

Now i'm backtesting aprox. 40 millions ticks of EURUSD data. Actually, I have backtested it a few times already, but there are problems on the way. I cannot release the result right now, coz it's not accurately accepted. I need one more week before we move on.

This week I have written:

  • VirtualBroker class (as attached) to simulate a real broker
  • A program to construct 10mins, 15mins, and 30mins bars from tick data.
  • Also, a program to find and fix aprox. 12000 bad ticks and serveral gaps in data.

Good luck,



Hi I'm back !!! actually I don't know what is that file mean :confused: what is ".cls" :confused: (sorry everyone )


Ahh... It's a visual basic class file. It's just like an object.


No problem, just wondering if you were being overwhelmed by work, VERY glad to hear about the one more week though (don't rush it). I don't do visual basic so I wouldnt be able to comment on your attachment. Otherwise I like what I hear!

Keep up the good work!


Is that really hard to learn to programing :confused: b'cause I never learn it before


It's easy, but it takes time and effort. You'll gonna sacrifice very much of them if you want to catch any language, either human's or computer's. It's all depends on your ambition and ambition.

Good luck,


Good to hear things are okay with the project. I havn't checked on it for a while. But I am still alive. Mainly don't know what I can do to help.



I agree, feel kinda funny not actually doing something constructive to help. But I am sure you will have plenty for us to test soon.



Hello everyone,

For information, I am currently tweaking trading systems for maximum profit, so whether you want it or not, backtesting and analysis period will be extended for two weeks or so; thus, making delay of beta testing distribution. However, the more analysis is conducted, the more solid fxfisherman is. You should just wait-n-c.

I've attached a picture of the week. Though it is related to fxfisherman, it's meaningless.

Chart.gif  18 kb

Sounds like you have done all the hard stuff. Are you manually changing the settings then seeing output, or are you having the computer do loops to do the optimazation. I personaly have done loops outputing info to a csv file while maintaining settings for highest value. But with csv you can use excel or other tools to do some fancy things.
