Beginner Question - MQL4 Error in MetaEditor


Hi everyone. I realize that this is probably a very stupid question, but I am still learning and very much a beginner. 

I have the MQL course by Forex Boat and I'm in the second lesson about integers. I keep on getting an error but cannot for the life of me figure it out.

Please see screenshot attached of the error. 

Thanks a lot for your help. 

screencap.png  54 kb
  1. learn to code it
  2. Don't post a link to or attach a image, just insert the image
  3. For code use SRC
    Don't paste
    Play video
    Please edit your post.
    For large amounts of code, attach it

  4. The equivalent of your code
    myInteger1  = 5;
    myDouble1   = 10.56 Alert(myInteger);

Hi everyone. I realize that this is probably a very stupid question, but I am still learning and very much a beginner. 

I have the MQL course by Forex Boat and I'm in the second lesson about integers. I keep on getting an error but cannot for the life of me figure it out.

Please see screenshot attached of the error. 

Thanks a lot for your help. 

take care of the syntax and usage of ";"