PC frozen, reboot required


hi guys, it happens my pc get frozen and i ve forced to reboot it...

Anyone has experimented it? Im using EA on MT5


Try defrosting it with a hairdryer.
Cool. You can use it as beer or wine cooler. 
tradatore: my pc get frozen and i ve forced to reboot it... Im using EA on MT5
Equivalent: My car hit a pot hole. Is there any way I can modify my car so it won't hit another one?
Marco vd Heijden:
Try defrosting it with a hairdryer.

It works!! Thanks.

ps: can a moderator moderate himself? 

Equivalent: My car hit a pot hole. Is there any why I can modify my car so it won't hit another one?

Just to know if someone experimented a problem with mt5.

Anyway I think I found the cause. An antivirus components seemed to cause the problem when MT5 is open. I saw that on windows event viewer.

Since the disinstallation all is going fine.

Maybe my question was better without mentioning EA