MQL4 to MQL5 convert question.


I am converting my code for mql4 to mql5.

In mql4 i had a ticket of trade i selected it from history and was able to get pips gained.

In mql5 i am able to select that order using ticket


but profit is 0 because ticket of deal out is different , how to get that profit of that specific trade.

Is there a way to determine

of the specified trade


, i don't want to loop full history if possible.

Hedging enabled account

Already asked and answered, please search before posting.
Alain Verleyen:
Already asked and answered, please search before posting.

Would you kindly link me , i googled for solution atleast 10 times and was not able to find that solution.
Farrukh Aleem:

Would you kindly link me , i googled for solution atleast 10 times and was not able to find that solution.

No need for google, there is search tool on this site.

Sorry I don't have the link and I will not search in your place. It's on the forum, believe me. So do your home work.

Alain Verleyen:

No need for google, there is search tool on this site.

Sorry I don't have the link and I will not search in your place. It's on the forum, believe me. So do your home work.

Search tool only finds one irrelevant search , 

When we execute a trade we get a ticket , i want to check that trade from history and gets its results.

Farrukh Aleem:

Search tool only finds one irrelevant search , 

When we execute a trade we get a ticket , i want to check that trade from history and gets its results.

(HistorySelectByPosition(HistoryDealGetInteger(ticket,DEAL_POSITION_ID))) but it selects only ticket of deposit history. one ticket only selected and its not the deal out.

ok found it , no help from search 

here is code may be it helps anyone else also , thanks alain very helpful and fast tips. :Z

ulong openticket=9629350;
for (int i = HistoryDealsTotal(); i >= 0; i--){
   ulong deal_ticket=HistoryDealGetTicket(i);
   int entry_type=(ENUM_DEAL_ENTRY)HistoryDealGetInteger(deal_ticket,DEAL_ENTRY);
   int pos_id            = HistoryDealGetInteger(deal_ticket,DEAL_POSITION_ID);
   if (pos_id==openticket && entry_type==DEAL_ENTRY_OUT){

You have ticket get the profit no , i dont know if it could be done without loop. 

I think without loop is not possible in mt5.


Farrukh Aleem:

ok found it , no help from search 

here is code may be it helps anyone else also , thanks alain very helpful and fast tips. :Z

You have ticket get the profit no , i dont know if it could be done without loop. 

I think without loop is not possible in mt5.



Yes I gave you the right tips, not my fault if you can't search, is it ?