Pass Array to iCustom


To call a Custom Moving Average 


 int avg=iCustom(NULL,pPeriodo,Indicator_Directory_And_Name,
                          3,         // Period
                          0,          // Offset
                          MODE_SMA,   // Calculation method
                          PRICE_CLOSE);       // Change here.



this is function in Indicator

int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,

                const int prev_calculated,
                const int begin,

                const double &price[])

but how I can set &price???

I need do it beause I need calculate average with custom prices , and I need pass a array with this values.

Or I can use a IndicatorCreate to call a custom Indicator 


iCustom() parameters are input parameters, nothing related to OnCalculate() parameters.

You can't pass an array with iCustom and IndicatorCreate will not help. Either you use a parameter to choose which custom prices you want to calculate inside the indicator or you find a workaround to pass your custom prices from an EA to the indicator (a file or  a resource for example).