Struct Casting Error


Will MQL not support the casting of simple struct ?

Struct casting is a basic feature in MQL, but now it does not work.

Why MQL disable this featue? 

// MetaEdit: v5.0,build 1596.   April 26,2017
// MT5:      v5.0,build 1596.   April 26,2017
// script:  test_structCast.mq5
struct ID
    int num;  //4
    ushort name[255];//255*2=510    SIZEOF(ID) = 514

struct ID2
   ushort id[2+255];//257 *2 = 514

//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
       ID id;       
       id.num = 1234;        
       string s =  "someone";      
       int cnt  =  StringToShortArray(s,;
       ID2 id2;
       id2 = (ID2)id;  // Error: cannot cast "ID" to ID2       
Documentation on MQL5: Language Basics / Data Types / Typecasting
Documentation on MQL5: Language Basics / Data Types / Typecasting
Language Basics / Data Types / Typecasting - Reference on algorithmic/automated trading language for MetaTrader 5
Ziheng Zhuang:

Will MQL not support the casting of simple struct ?

Struct casting is a basic feature in MQL, but now it does not work.

Форум по трейдингу, автоматическим торговым системам и тестированию торговых стратегий

Особенности языка mql5, тонкости и приёмы работы

fxsaber, 2017.04.27 13:38

template <typename T>
  template <typename T1>
  static const T Casting( const T1 &Value )
    union CAST
      T1 Value1;
      const T Value2;

      CAST( const T1 &Value)
        this.Value1 = Value; // кастомный оператор может все испортить

    const CAST Union(Value);


#define _C(A, B) CASTING<A>::Casting(B)
// MetaEdit: v5.0,build 1596.   April 26,2017
// MT5:      v5.0,build 1596.   April 26,2017
// script:  test_structCast.mq5
struct ID
    int num;  //4
    ushort name[255];//255*2=510    SIZEOF(ID) = 514

struct ID2
   ushort id[2+255];//257 *2 = 514

//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
       ID id;       
       id.num = 1234;        
       string s =  "someone";      
       int cnt  =  StringToShortArray(s,;
       ID2 id2;       
       id2 = _C(ID2, id); // id2 = (ID2)id;
Look here.
Look here.

Thank you fxsaber, you did a great job.

Now it works well.

// MetaEdit: v5.0,build 1596.   April 26,2017
// MT5:      v5.0,build 1596.   April 26,2017
// script:  test_structCast.mq5
#include <TypeToBytes.mqh>
struct ID
    int num;  //4
    ushort name[255];//255*2=510    SIZEOF(ID) = 514

struct ID2
   ushort id[2+255];//257 *2 = 514

//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
       ID id;       
       id.num = 1234;        
       string s =  "someone";      
       int cnt  =  StringToShortArray(s,;
       ID2 id2;
      // id2 = (ID2)id;  // Error: cannot cast "ID" to ID2       
       id2 = _C(ID2,id);
       ID idx;
       idx = _C(ID,id2);
       printf("idx.num = %d, = %s",idx.num,ShortArrayToString(;    // 1234,someone
Ziheng Zhuang:
// MetaEdit: v5.0,build 1596.   April 26,2017
// MT5:      v5.0,build 1596.   April 26,2017
// script:  test_structCast.mq5
#include <TypeToBytes.mqh>
struct ID
    int num;  //4
    ushort name[255];//255*2=510    SIZEOF(ID) = 514

struct ID2
   ushort id[2+255];//257 *2 = 514

//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
       ID id;       
       id.num = 1234;        
       string s =  "someone";      
       int cnt  =  StringToShortArray(s,;
       ID2 id2 = {0};
      // id2 = (ID2)id;  // Error: cannot cast "ID" to ID2       
//       id2 = _C(ID2,id);       
       _W(id2) = id;
       ID idx = {0};
//       idx = _C(ID,id2);
       _W(idx) = id2;
       printf("idx.num = %d, = %s",idx.num,ShortArrayToString(;    // 1234,someone
       if ((_R(id2) == idx) && (_R(id) == idx))


It is worth taking time to study this library.

Thank you.

Ziheng Zhuang:

It is worth taking time to study this library.

#include <TypeToBytes.mqh>
struct ID
    int num;  //4
    uchar name[255];

struct ID2
   uchar id[sizeof(ID)];

void OnStart()
     ID id = {0};       
     _W(id) = 1234;        
     _W(id)[_OFFSET(id, name)] = "someone";

     ID2 id2 = {0};
     _W(id2) = id;
     ID idx = {0};
     _W(idx) = id2;
     printf("idx.num = %d, = %s",idx.num,CharArrayToString(;    // 1234,someone       
Great job!
Thank you.