Discussion of article "Graphical Interfaces X: Word wrapping algorithm in the Multiline Text box (build 12)"


New article Graphical Interfaces X: Word wrapping algorithm in the Multiline Text box (build 12) has been published:

We continue to develop the Multiline Text box control. This time our task is to implement an automatic word wrapping in case a text box width overflow occurs, or a reverse word wrapping of the text to the previous line if the opportunity arises.

And that is not all. In case only one word (continuous sequence of characters) is left on a line, hyphenation is performed character-by-character. This situation is shown in the figure below:

 Fig. 9. Demonstration of a character-wise wrapping when a word cannot be fit.

Fig. 9. Demonstration of a character-wise wrapping when a word cannot be fit.

Author: Anatoli Kazharski

If I add new lines programmatically, then I call UpdateTextBox(), but the scrollbars and wordwrapping is not getting applied. I need to press some key. How to trigger this without pressing any key?