Why can't I publish a code with my own style?



I don't know if this is not allowed topic..

but I want to ask, understand, and take my right.. as everywhere else in the world !

I wanted to publish a code in the code base,

The moderator replay me: Correct the code format by the styler,

Correct? do you consider the code in another format as wrong?

everyone has his own style, and by this way you kill creativity and you make many many distorted codes,

the code is programmed by the developer in his own style, and when you change this style simply after finishing the code, you kill the code,

it will not be able to maintain.

This is not programming.

else point, where is the liberty? why can't I publish the code in my own style? it's correct as programming.

Please answer me and say: this is our website, and this is the rules.

but it's not the professional programming.

Khaled Mohamed:
Because you are publishing code to share it, it's mainly for other people, not for you. If you don't want to follow some standard rules, don't publish it publicly.
Alain Verleyen:
Because you are publishing code to share it, it's mainly for other people, not for you. If you don't want to follow some standard rules, don't publish it publicly.
Ok, thank you for your answer, it make sense.
Khaled Mohamed:
Ok, thank you for your answer, it make sense.
You can publish your codes in the blogs using your style. I assume your style can probably be more generally accepted than the style which MQ uses.
because you are not ceo of this site, not me too :)

Keep your own style.

When you want to publish, click Styler:

Copy and Paste onto Codebase.

Then Undo and keep working with your old style.