set other values to a Boolean

I know it may be a silly question but I want to know if there's anyway to set values to the Boolean function rather than True or False 
for example I want it to be up or down in the external parameters 

No they only are 1 one or 0 zero, true or false, but you can name them up and down or long and short.

Other types are called tri-state those have a floating position, not true and not false but this does not apply to boolean.

If you want to name the external parameter use the // double slash comment and it will show up in the parameters.

sinput bool up;   // up
sinput bool down; // down
enum Direction{ UP, DOWN, SIDEWAYS);
Direction current_direction(void){ ... return UP; }
Direction d = current_direction();
if(d == UP) ...
Thank you for you both , I used both " enum " and "//" to get exactly what I want 
Thank you