Range Bar Logic understanding

Hi Guys,

So the story is like that, I got a Range bar indicator that generates range bar formation on offline charts from the Web, I paid for it. really nice one.

My mission is to understand the exact logic behind it and how it creates the bars.

The last 11 months me and my team developed around 50-60 designs of trading systems and 1 seems to work,
I got investors that want me to bring reliable backtest so we built a C# program that can have external sources of data like Integral/real institutional event's tick data.
I did a research over the internet and bring by myself design of range bars that try to immitate the original indicator, it seems very similar when comparing on XLS graph but the core is not the same and it's damaging my result for the strategy when running on my formation and not on the oroginal.

I really need to understand what is written in that code.

I really think win win and tried to contact the developer of the indicator since i paid for it and it helped me, and it can solve me a problem, no any intention to compete with him or resell his logic, it's not interesting for me at all, I'm focusing on delieveing reliable backtest for my investors. but no any answer from the developer. I wanted to talk to him and offer a nice money for solving me that problem.

I would glad if as programmers someone here with or without experience can have a look, understand the logic behind it, code it, take a tick collector that I can provide and give me the same bar formation.it is easy to compare and check because I collect the live data on the tick and on the live range bar generator of the bars so can see and test it and see reliablility of the formula and generation of the bars.

I can provide you a link to the original generator for 7-10 days to watch it and the tick data collector and if you can bring me the logic / code for that I would pay for that because it solving me a problem.

you are invited to write me a PM,


Tomer1987: I got a Range bar indicator ... to understand the exact logic behind it and how it creates the bars.

if bid > current low + size, current high=current low + size - point and start a new bar.

if bid < current high - size, current low=current high - size + point and start a new bar.