Google for "mt4 shell32.dll ShellExecuteW()"
Hi thanks for your suggestion, is this the only way?
Would love if Metatrader have built in command like MetaEditor compilation instead of requiring user to use the .dll
xjellyfishx: Would love if Metatrader have built in command like MetaEditor compilation instead of requiring user to use the .dll
Hi, thanks for your reply, but upon seeing the topics, it seem different than what I wanted.
The topics were executing command from MQL but what I want is executing script using CLI.
For example like in MetaEditor I can compile to ex4 using CMD:-
"C:\Program Files\TradingPlatform\metaeditor64.exe" /compile:"C:\Program Files\TradingPlatform\MQL5\Scripts\myscript.mq5"
Sorry if I got it wrongly or my question is unclear.
I see, guess what I wanted to do isn't implemented.
Is there any way for me to place order using CLI?
For example, I can compile my mq4 to ex4 using CLI without opening MetaEditor.
Thank you for your time.
xjellyfishx: Is there any way for me to place order using CLI?
| That's easy, have the CLI create a file that the running EA reads. |
That's easy, have the CLI create a file that the running EA reads. |
Hmm..not the way I wanted but guess have to go with it.
Thanks alot for the suggestion and your help.
Hi thanks for your suggestion, is this the only way?
Would love if Metatrader have built in command like MetaEditor compilation instead of requiring user to use the .dll
Some time ago Metaquotes offered a program which I used to compile mq4 code out of the notepad++ but this is not longer supported... :(
Oh, atleast now they have CLI for it.
Still waiting for maybe running script on mobile.
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I have encounter that I can run script on terminal startup (, but I would like to load the script after startup or is there any way for me to run script using command line?