\n not recognized when reading from text file -> string array -> MessageBox()


I'm reading from a text file, inputting the data into a string array, and outputting one of the lines from the string array into a message box.

I believe it's not due to using a string array because I created one separately, tried it out, and the new line character was read perfectly. Therefore, I believe it is due to how the text is read from the text file using FileReadString().

Expected Result: MessageBox() reads the new line character and applies it properly

Testing Line One
Testing Line Two

Actual Result: MessageBox() ignores the new line character and outputs it directly

Testing Line One\nTesting Line Two

void displayMessage()
   int maxNum = ArraySize(mArray);
   if (maxNum > 0)
      int rng = 0 + maxNum*MathRand()/32768;
      MessageBox(mArray[rng],"My Messages");
      mmCooldown = TimeCurrent()+mTimer;
void openFile()
   handle = FileOpen("my_messages.txt",FILE_READ|FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_TXT);
   while (handle != 1)
      errorResult = MessageBox("Error: could not open file."+
         "\r\n\r\nMake sure the my_messages.txt file is located in the MQL4\\Files folder and press 'Ok' to continue"+
         "\r\n\r\nPress 'Cancel' to disable My Messages",
         "File Not Found",MB_OKCANCEL);
      if (errorResult == 1)
         handle = FileOpen("my_messages.txt",FILE_READ|FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_TXT);         
         enableMessages = false;
   int x = 0;      
   while (!FileIsEnding(handle))
      mArray[x] = FileReadString(handle);

Expected Result: MessageBox() reads the new line character and applies it properly

Testing Line One
Testing Line Two
Which is exactly what you get
void OnStart()
MessageBox("Error: could not open file."
         "\n\nMake sure the my_messages.txt file is located in the MQL4\\Files folder and press 'Ok' to continue"
         "\n\nPress 'Cancel' to disable My Messages",
         "File Not Found", MB_OKCANCEL);

Drop the "\r" unnecessary. I dropped the "+" It auto-combines adjacent literal strings.

Expected Result: MessageBox() reads the new line character and applies it properly

Which is exactly what you get

Drop the "\r" unnecessary. I dropped the "+" It auto-combines adjacent literal strings.

I don't think you understand.

The part you quoted, I'm just displaying the code I used for reading the data from the text file.

The focus is on the displayMessage function, where a random element from the string array created from openFile() is outputted into the MessageBox() function.


I definitely don't. Why are you talking about MessageBox when you have a problem reading a text file.

There is nothing wrong with your displayMessage function as is. You have lines of text in the array, you message box one of them.

What you want, If I understand you, you want to read text from the file that is multiline. Why didn't you say that? You totally confused everything with the rest.

You can't read newlines from a text file. They terminate the line.

If you want multi-lines read, your file must contain a marker character(s) (not used in regular text e.g. "¶") and then substitute them (StringReplace) with \n in the MessageBox call.


I definitely don't. Why are you talking about MessageBox when you have a problem reading a text file.

You can't read newlines from a text file. They terminate the line.

If you want multi-lines read, your file must contain a marker character(s) (not used in regular text e.g. "@ ` ¦ © ¶") and then substitute them (StringReplace) with \n in the MessageBox call.

1. Read from file

2. Data from file to string array

3. Data from string array to MessageBox()

If I create a separate string array, such as,

sArray[] = { "Testing Line One\nTesting Line Two" };

and then

MessageBox(sArray[0],"My Messages");

I get the expected result.

But if I read the same string from a text file, put that string into a string array, and then read from that element in the string array into a MessageBox(), the \n special character is read explicitly rather than parsed as a new line.

It seems like the last sentence of your post is the workaround, as reading a special character from a string that was inputted by FileReadString() isn't parsed properly. I'll try that out.

xcuco3x:But if I read the same string from a text file,

What part of
You can't read newlines from a text file. They terminate the line.
was unclear? You can't read the new lines.

What part ofwas unclear? You can't read the new lines.
I'm not trying to read the new line from the text file. I need it to parse from the MessageBox from the string array. What part of that was unclear?

I'm a little unclear too.

Contents of Messages.txt:

This is line 1\nThis is line 2

This script:

   int handle = FileOpen("Messages.txt",FILE_READ|FILE_TXT);
   if(handle==INVALID_HANDLE) return;
   while(!FileIsEnding(handle)) Print(FileReadString(handle));

Returns this:

2017.04.06 16:24:04.399	Test AUDCHF,M1: This is line 1\nThis is line 2

However, if you change Messages.txt to this:

This is line 1
This is line 2

The result is:

2017.04.06 16:24:55.826	Test AUDCHF,M1: This is line 2
2017.04.06 16:24:55.826	Test AUDCHF,M1: This is line 1

If I understand correctly, you'd like to know why this isn't being recognised?

This is line 1\nThis is line 2
xcuco3x: I'm not trying to read the new line from the text file.
That is exactly what you said you are trying to do.

If I create a separate string array, such as,

sArray[] = { "Testing Line One\nTesting Line Two" };

and then

MessageBox(sArray[0],"My Messages");

I get the expected result.

But if I read the same string from a text file, put that string into a string array,

You can not read that string from a text file. You can not create a text file with an embedded new line.