How to set Multi-Type array


This topic is different from my previous topic...

for example, i want to have a function, which should set a bunch of different variables/values. Then I want to call that function , like this:

xxxx MyArrayContainter;

void OnInit(){
MyArrayContainter = MyFunc();
int a= MyArrayContainter.MyPipSize;
        string b= MyArrayContainter.SosName;

xxxx MyFunc(){
MyPipSize = XYZ;
SosName = XYZ;
return {int MyPipSizestring, string SosName};

Is anything like this, possible?


You can't do this:

return {int MyPipSizestring, string SosName};

However, you can pass variables by reference and modify them directly from within the function.

You also might want to look into the use of structures if you want multi-type arrays.

selnomeria: Is anything like this, possible?
You can not return complex types.
xxxx MyArrayContainter;

void OnInit(){
MyArrayContainter = MyFunc();
int a= MyArrayContainter.MyPipSize;
        string b= MyArrayContainter.SosName;

xxxx MyFunc(){
MyPipSize = XYZ;
SosName = XYZ;
return {int MyPipSizestring, string SosName};
struct Values{ int MyPipSize; string SosName; }
Values MyArrayContainter;

void OnInit(){
   int    a= MyArrayContainter.MyPipSize;
   string b= MyArrayContainter.SosName;

void MyFunc(Values& container){
container.MyPipSize = XYZ;
container.SosName   = XYZ;
You can not return complex types.

Wow, thanks!