how to set semi-transparent color to buffer?


is there a way to set semi-transparent color indicator's line?

i used this but none of these  work:


SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_HISTOGRAM , STYLE_SOLID, 1,  StringToColor("0, 0,127,0")  );

SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_HISTOGRAM , STYLE_SOLID, 1,  0x00FF1234  );

SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_HISTOGRAM , STYLE_SOLID, 1,  ColorToARGB(clrRed, 0x55)  );

SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_HISTOGRAM , STYLE_SOLID, 1,  ColorToARGB(clrRed, 0.55)  );

  1. MT4 has only RGB not ARGB.
    Color Type - Integer Types - Data Types - Language Basics - MQL4 Reference
    The first byte is ignored, the remaining 3 bytes contain the RGB-components.
    So of course they don't work. Can't be done.
  2. StringToColor Only takes one argument of RGB. Invalid call.
    String representation of a color of "R,G,B" type or name of one of predefined Web-colors.
  3. ColorToARGB Came from MT5 but alpha is ignored per #1.
SO, in mt4 we cant have semi-transparent lines/histograms, right?
SO, in mt4 we cant have semi-transparent lines/histograms, right?
Yes you can but not using indicator's buffer.

//    ModColor
color ModColor(double clr)
   double k = 0.9;
   uchar alfa=0x80;
   string strClr = ColorToString(clr);
   string strRed,strGreen, strBlue;
   string strRed2,strGreen2, strBlue2;
   int pos;
   int cRed, cGreen, cBlue;
   color val;
   //Print( " strClr = ",  strClr );
   if(Осветление_Заливки < 0 || Осветление_Заливки>1)
      k = 0.9; 
      k = Осветление_Заливки;
   pos = StringFind(strClr, ",", 0);
   strRed = StringSubstr(strClr, 0, pos);
   strClr = StringSubstr(strClr, pos+1);
   pos = StringFind(strClr, ",", 0);
   strGreen = StringSubstr(strClr, 0, pos);
   strClr = StringSubstr(strClr, pos+1);
   strBlue = strClr;
   cRed      = StrToInteger(strRed);
   cGreen    = StrToInteger(strGreen);
   cBlue     = StrToInteger(strBlue);  
   cRed = cRed + (255-cRed)*k;
   cGreen = cGreen + (255-cGreen)*k;
   cBlue = cBlue + (255-cBlue)*k;
   strRed2     = IntegerToString(cRed);
   strGreen2   = IntegerToString(cGreen);
   strBlue2    = IntegerToString(cBlue);
   val = StringToColor(strRed2 + "," + strGreen2 + "," + strBlue2);
   //Print( " strRed = ",  strRed, " strGreen = ",  strGreen, " strBlue = ",  strBlue );

SUNmFAN_0.6.mq4  39 kb

No, they will get the value of TRANSPARENT COLOR, but the value itself, is not obtained by BUFFER as transparent.


Can you write what your script does please?

Thank you for contribution.