HELP! How to Call MACD indicator in MT5 EA

Hi everyone,

I got used to call macd indicator in MT4 in a very simple way and now I've got to switch in MT5 and things look deeply differents

So experts, I kindly request your help :

in MT4  calling macd and signal was quite easy for current or past period just by setting the right buffer and the right mode



And in MT5 I dont really figure out how it works,

I've checked the MACD_SAMPLE EA,

I dont see how it manages the signal MACD and the main MACD and more, how it manages the passed data for previous macd for instance.

this is a coding block from MACD_SAMPLE

 if(BarsCalculated(m_handle_macd)<2 || BarsCalculated(m_handle_ema)<2)
   if(CopyBuffer(m_handle_macd,0,0,2,m_buff_MACD_main)  !=2 ||
      CopyBuffer(m_handle_macd,1,0,2,m_buff_MACD_signal)!=2 ||
      CopyBuffer(m_handle_ema,0,0,2,m_buff_EMA)         !=2)
//   m_indicators.Refresh();
//--- to simplify the coding and speed up access
//--- data are put into internal variables
   m_macd_current   =m_buff_MACD_main[0];
   m_macd_previous  =m_buff_MACD_main[1];
   m_signal_current =m_buff_MACD_signal[0];

it looks like the data are stored in an array but I don't figure out the way it's done,  and how with this, the system makes difference between macd and signal,
can one of you light up my mind please : )

Please forgive my English : -))
Nobody : (
Hi everyone,

I got used to call macd indicator in MT4 in a very simple way and now I've got to switch in MT5 and things look deeply differents

So experts, I kindly request your help :

in MT4  calling macd and signal was quite easy for current or past period just by setting the right buffer and the right mode



And in MT5 I dont really figure out how it works,

I've checked the MACD_SAMPLE EA,

I dont see how it manages the signal MACD and the main MACD and more, how it manages the passed data for previous macd for instance.

this is a coding block from MACD_SAMPLE

 if(BarsCalculated(m_handle_macd)<2 || BarsCalculated(m_handle_ema)<2)
   if(CopyBuffer(m_handle_macd,0,0,2,m_buff_MACD_main)  !=2 ||
      CopyBuffer(m_handle_macd,1,0,2,m_buff_MACD_signal)!=2 ||
      CopyBuffer(m_handle_ema,0,0,2,m_buff_EMA)         !=2)
//   m_indicators.Refresh();
//--- to simplify the coding and speed up access
//--- data are put into internal variables
   m_macd_current   =m_buff_MACD_main[0];
   m_macd_previous  =m_buff_MACD_main[1];
   m_signal_current =m_buff_MACD_signal[0];

it looks like the data are stored in an array but I don't figure out the way it's done,  and how with this, the system makes difference between macd and signal,
can one of you light up my mind please : )

Please forgive my English : -))

This is how approach it.

I include a cool bit of code from the article

#include <GetIndicatorBuffers.mqh>

First you have to declare a couple arrays and a handle for the indicator

//---- arrays for indicators
double      MACDMain[];    // array for MAIN_LINE of iMACD
double      MACDSignal[];  // array for SIGNAL_LINE of iMACD
int         iMACD_handle;  // handle of the indicator iMACD

Then the handle is defined in the OnInit() function

int OnInit()
//--- creation of the indicator iMACD
   iMACD_handle=iMACD(Symbol(),Time_Frame,fast_ema_period, slow_ema_period,signal_period,PRICE_CLOSE);
//--- report if there was an error in object creation
      Print("The creation of iMACD has failed: Runtime error =",GetLastError());
      //--- forced program termination

Then inside your program you call for the buffers

 if(!GetMACDBuffers(iMACD_handle,0,10,MACDMain,MACDSignal,true)) return;

So then you can assign the values


Follow the article above and you should have no problem

MQL5 for Newbies: Guide to Using Technical Indicators in Expert Advisors
MQL5 for Newbies: Guide to Using Technical Indicators in Expert Advisors
  • 2010.03.18
  • Sergey Pavlov
In order to obtain values of a built-in or custom indicator in an Expert Advisor, first its handle should be created using the corresponding function. Examples in the article show how to use this or that technical indicator while creating your own programs. The article describes indicators that are built n the MQL5 language. It is intended for those who don't have much experience in the development of trading strategies and offers simple and clear ways of working with indicators using the offered library of functions.

Hi John,

Thanks a lot for for your very clear explaination and the link you've added, I'll try it and report my results in here.

Have a good day,



Hi John,

I tried this simple EA to see and I got unexpected results.

What I expected was to have at each tick:

a new MACD and Signal calculation (current calculation) that are coming from index 0 ([0])of the ad hoc arrays

And to get these two unchanged values at the next stick from index 1  ([1]) this time as previous MACD and Signal.

that's not what I'm getting from the code Sample below,

#property copyright "Copyright 2017, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"

#include <Indicators\GetIndicatorBuffers.mqh>

//---- arrays for indicators
double      MACDMain[];    // array for MAIN_LINE of iMACD
double      MACDSignal[];  // array for SIGNAL_LINE of iMACD

int         iMACD_handle;  // handle of the indicator iMACD

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
 //--- creation of the indicator iMACD
//--- report if there was an error in object creation
      Print("The creation of iMACD has failed: Runtime error =",GetLastError());
      //--- forced program termination
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()
 if(!GetMACDBuffers(iMACD_handle,0,10,MACDMain,MACDSignal,true)) return;
 double macd_c = MACDMain[0] ;     // Current MACD 
 double macd_p = MACDMain[1];     // Precious MACD
 double sign_c = MACDSignal[0];   // Current Signal
 double sign_p = MACDSignal[1];   // Previous Signal

 Alert("Current MACD : ",macd_c);
 Alert("Precious MACD : ",macd_p);
 Alert("Current Signal : ",sign_c);
 Alert("Previous Signal : ",sign_p);

the MACDs and Signals have very strange values, and very different from the symbols values

Also, if the current calculations are performed and change at each stick

MACDMain[0] and MACDSignal[0]

, they are never stored as previous values at the next stick and they never change

MACDMain[1] and MACDSignal[1]

Can you  (or someone passing by : )) take a look and help me?

Have a nice day.



GetIndicatorBuffers -? What is it?

Use this code: 

//| Get value of buffers for the iMACD                               |
//|  the buffer numbers are the following:                           |
//|   0 - MAIN_LINE, 1 - SIGNAL_LINE                                 |
double iMACDGet(int handle_iMACD,const int buffer,const int index)
   double MACD[1];
//--- reset error code 
//--- fill a part of the iMACDBuffer array with values from the indicator buffer that has 0 index 
      //--- if the copying fails, tell the error code 
      PrintFormat("Failed to copy data from the iMACD indicator, error code %d",GetLastError());
      //--- quit with zero result - it means that the indicator is considered as not calculated 
Vladimir Karputov:

GetIndicatorBuffers -? What is it?

Use this code: 

Hi Vladimir,

thank you for your answer.

I tried your code sample, I'm still getting unexpected results

double iMACDGet(int handle_iMACD,const int buffer,const int index)
   double MACD[1];
//--- reset error code 
//--- fill a part of the iMACDBuffer array with values from the indicator buffer that has 0 index 
      //--- if the copying fails, tell the error code 
      PrintFormat("Failed to copy data from the iMACD indicator, error code %d",GetLastError());
      //--- quit with zero result - it means that the indicator is considered as not calculated 
int OnInit()
 //--- creation of the indicator iMACD
//--- report if there was an error in object creation
      Print("The creation of iMACD has failed: Runtime error =",GetLastError());
      //--- forced program termination

void OnTick()
 double macd_c = iMACDGet(iMACD_handle,0,0) ;   // Current MACD 
 double macd_p = iMACDGet(iMACD_handle,0,1);    // Precious MACD
 double sign_c = iMACDGet(iMACD_handle,1,0);   // Current Signal
 double sign_p = iMACDGet(iMACD_handle,1,1);   // Previous Signal

 Alert("Current MACD : ",macd_c);
 Alert("Precious MACD : ",macd_p);
 Alert("Current Signal : ",sign_c);
 Alert("Previous Signal : ",sign_p);

the current macd and signal look calculated at each tick, but never stored as previous the stick after, and beside that, I get values very close to zero that is not making sense for an average.

Can you take a look and tell me if something is wrong.

Buy the way, I don't understand how by a single imacd call the system can return a signal value and a macd value since it returns one value...

Can one explain what is behind ?

Thanks a lot



... but never stored as previous the stick after ...

Evidence is there? Symbol? Period? Histori datetime? Mode of generation of ticks?

Hi Vladimir,

Symbol : GBPCHF,

timeframe 5mn

I did not use the stragey tester but put my ea straight to the symbol chart, the ticks were from the system,

you can find attached the log file.

you will see that none of current macd nor signal is saved as previous later

Thank you for your help : )

20170501_log.txt  332 kb

Just a bunch of numbers. These figures are about anything not say :).

Show full code MQL5-program.


Here you go:

index "0"

index "0"

index "1"

index "1"

//|                                                     iMACDGet.mq5 |
//|                        Copyright 2017, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                    |
#property copyright "Copyright 2017, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
int    handle_iMACD;                         // variable for storing the handle of the iMACD indicator 
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create handle of the indicator iMACD
//--- if the handle is not created 
      //--- tell about the failure and output the error code 
      PrintFormat("Failed to create handle of the iMACD indicator for the symbol %s/%s, error code %d",
      //--- the indicator is stopped early 

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)

//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()
//--- 0 - MAIN_LINE, 1 - SIGNAL_LINE
   double main_0     = iMACDGet(MAIN_LINE,0);
   double signal_0   = iMACDGet(SIGNAL_LINE,0);
   double main_1     = iMACDGet(MAIN_LINE,1);
   double signal_1   = iMACDGet(SIGNAL_LINE,1);

   string text="        | "+"index 0 | "+"index 1  "+"\n"
               "main    | "+DoubleToString(main_0,Digits()+1)+" | "+DoubleToString(main_1,Digits()+1)+"\n"+
               "signal  | "+DoubleToString(signal_0,Digits()+1)+" | "+DoubleToString(signal_1,Digits()+1);

//| Get value of buffers for the iMACD                               |
//|  the buffer numbers are the following:                           |
//|   0 - MAIN_LINE, 1 - SIGNAL_LINE                                 |
double iMACDGet(const int buffer,const int index)
   double MACD[1];
//--- reset error code 
//--- fill a part of the iMACDBuffer array with values from the indicator buffer that has 0 index 
      //--- if the copying fails, tell the error code 
      PrintFormat("Failed to copy data from the iMACD indicator, error code %d",GetLastError());
      //--- quit with zero result - it means that the indicator is considered as not calculated 
iMACDGet.mq5  4 kb