Forex TSD Activity Awards - page 2


See the picture below. Click on Market Exchange and your current values will appear at top left.

You can do many things with your Credits and Points. Exchange points by credits is one of them. Clock over the exchange icon to start.


By clicking over another user transfer icon you can gift points or credits to him.

Or click over "change" to write by hand the username you want to gift something.


Is there a set of rules written down that we can see of what costs us points and credits?

I see that I have spent points making posts but the only thing I can see that should cost points was that I posted twice in a row before anyone else posted.

Does it cost points and/or credits to edit posts also?

Another thing I have noticed is sometimes my posts have to be approved bt a moderator and some don't. Is this based on how many points I have?

Is there a set of rules written down that we can see of what costs us points and credits?

I see that I have spent points making posts but the only thing I can see that should cost points was that I posted twice in a row before anyone else posted.

Does it cost points and/or credits to edit posts also?

Another thing I have noticed is sometimes my posts have to be approved bt a moderator and some don't. Is this based on how many points I have?


Points are automatically regulated by a bBuletin app

As of moderation : all the posts in commercial sections must first be moderated (and I mean all - there is no exception in this) so it does not depend on the number of points you have at all


Points and Credits

Hi !

Can someone kindly explain what are points and credits for ? They appear on the left side of every post.

Thank you

Points are for ranking purpose mainly

Credits are more interesting : go to elite or advanced section and click on some of the items there. See what options for payments you have : one of the options is to pay with credits. So, users can also earn (by posting normal, regular and usefull to all posts) a right to download from those section.


PS: in order to keep it fair, any flooding automatically will nullify credits state

PPS: only regular members of those sections can post on those sections (and eventually request something in those sections). That is a limitation that will stay and will not be changed (along with the posibility that those members can download anything from those section even multiple times without any additional cost)

You mean we are earning by posting virtual money that we can use for download from those section?

Hi !

Can someone kindly explain what are points and credits for ? They appear on the left side of every post.

Thank you

Points are for ranking purpose mainly

Credits are more interesting : go to elite or advanced section and click on some of the items there. See what options for payments you have : one of the options is to pay with credits you have earned by posting so far. So, users can also earn (by posting normal, regular and usefull to all posts) a right to download from those sections.


PS: in order to keep it fair, any flooding automatically will nullify credits state

PPS: only regular members of those sections can post on those sections (and eventually request something in those sections). That is a limitation that will stay and will not be changed (along with the posibility that those members can download anything from those section even multiple times without any additional cost)

In short : yes (as long as the basic rules of forum and widely accepted well behavior rules are honored, and as long as those post are no meaningless posst aimed for credits collection (flooding), flaming, hacking and similar - in that case a user can be punished by lessening or nulifying her/his credits state)



You mean we are earning by posting virtual money that we can use for download from those section?

In short : yes (as long as the basic rules of forum and widely accepted well behavior rules are honored, and as long as those posts are not meaningless posts aimed for credits collection (flooding), flaming, hacking and similar - in that case a user can be punished by lessening or nulifying her/his credits state)


What is not told in the posts of this thread so far :

Posts under 50 characters are not eligible for credits. Only posts with content longer than the minimum 50 characters are awarded with credits