Forex TSD mobile


If you're one of this people that needs to be connected every time from everywhere...

I have been testing the access to the forum using my cell phone with 3G (GRPS no have sense).

If you want to try just download the browser opera mini with a capable mobile phone and the right connection.

Is not like to be in the front of your computer but can read the posts and with some patience post replies (I've posted some answers during last week)

This opens the way to a new generation of services to come...

Some pictures as example.



Hi Linuxser very big picture

Great now everytime and everywhere we can access this forum


Forex Indicators Collection


Mobile Trading


I received an e-mail that was meant to be a joke. 2,000 Japanese on the beach.

All at arms length. Very crowded. I noticed 1 thing. Most of them were LOOKING at their cell phones. Why do I think that this is how they are trading currencies?

These were mostly people in their 30's. I know that some in the U.S. are mobile trading, however, I have not observed a scene like that. It's the coming thing.

Thanks for posting this. I think it is important. Maybe, watch currencies when it's "Beach Time" in Japan.



Just give it a chance to Chrome.

Five opened tabs with only 30 MB. Gmail with exclusive window is with 11 MB when eats 70 MB with FF or Opera. I'm impressed.

And the forum? Take a look...




By browsing on the forum with mobile phone you could have some problems like optimization for mobile browsers. And not only forum, another places too.

I'm using mobile explorer and skyfire on my windows mobile based PDA. And often I need to watch or browse some websites not optimized because I don't have 3G speed, becuase the simple view is a mess or anything alse.

I've found an very useful link provided by Google that allows you to trim any website to better view with your mobile phone.

Just Enter a URL

And I'm really starting to love this link

If you want to see how forex-tsd looks on mobile phone browser click here



good idea this service