Is it possible to trade multiple accounts on Meta Trader?


I have two accounts with insta forex and will be getting bonus in both this month, how can i trade these two accounts simultaneously in meta trader.

Angel Girl:
Yes you can use MetaTrader 4 MultiTerminal to trade multiple accounts on Meta trader. In which you can manage accounts from the same server only.

I have used the Multi terminal in which you are able to add many trading accounts at the same time and trades can also be done in them

Bruce Mendes:
I have used the Multi terminal in which you are able to add many trading accounts at the same time and trades can also be done in them

What's multi terminal? I've never heard of this before.

What's multi terminal? I've never heard of this before.

Metatrader that is dedicated to trade multiple accounts

MetaTrader4 MultiTerminal – a trading terminal, intended to manage several accounts simultaneously.

Metatrader that is dedicated to trade multiple accounts

Ohhh I need to check this out. I spent years looking for something like this and I never figured it out, thank you!

Ohhh I need to check this out. I spent years looking for something like this and I never figured it out, thank you!

You are welcome