Do you know the name of this chart type?


looks like volume candles

looks like volume candles

I had an idea it was volume related, some person on facebook is hiding them behind a paywall. I'll find them some how. Thank you.

looks like volume candles

Through the power of google I have found the EquiVolume. Volume_2.v4.mq4

Tropicalrecon, nice chart, would like to try it, but there is an issue: 4x 'StartTime' - parameter conversion not allowed Volume_2.v4.mq4 94 39

Mladen or MrTools, do you know what to do?

Through the power of google I have found the EquiVolume. Volume_2.v4.mq4

It would be interesting t have it offline


Yes, I asked Ovo to code it. Don't know how long it will take. Unfortunately this was the only mq4 file I could find.

Yes, I asked Ovo to code it. Don't know how long it will take. Unfortunately this was the only mq4 file I could find.

That will be interesting to see


@Tropicalcrecon, I guess we both stalk Mark Azer. Lol