Long to short ratios at the start of the week - page 2


Euro longs at record low

It must go up


Monday morning FX 8 February 2016 - foreign exchange prices, early indications

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Euro longs at record low It must go up

It did - 100 pips but still it did


Ratios before the market opens :

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Again Euro must go up

Again Euro must go up

There is a gap down right now

There is a gap down right now

Yep - they closed it and then back again. MS is short on Euro. I could revise my standings


Level 1.12 being tested. It will be the pivotal point today

Yep - they closed it and then back again. MS is short on Euro. I could revise my standings

Don't change the overall trend yet - but it seems that this one was a fake trend change again

Don't change the overall trend yet - but it seems that this one was a fake trend change again

It certainly looks like that now