Technical issues


Hey guys!

Maybe somebody might be able to help me out. I'm getting some technical issues with the forum - I can't post replies in certain threads of the forum and I also don't see anything in my Sent Items folder in messages. I would be very grateful if you could tell me how to reach the moderators through e-mail It's hard to figure out where the problem lies when I'm uncertain whether my messages went out.

Thanks everybody,

Rachel Kelly from

Hey guys!

Maybe somebody might be able to help me out. I'm getting some technical issues with the forum - I can't post replies in certain threads of the forum and I also don't see anything in my Sent Items folder in messages. I would be very grateful if you could tell me how to reach the moderators through e-mail It's hard to figure out where the problem lies when I'm uncertain whether my messages went out.

Thanks everybody,

Rachel Kelly from

Some sections were and always will be closed for posting new threads (like "Broker talks" for example - only brokers with a contract with the company are allowed to post new thread there or "answers" there - for obvious reasons)

The rest : it is a part of the forum transition and migration since the owner of the forum has been changed. We believe that all the issues will be resolved in a short time frame



Some sections were and always will be closed for posting new threads (like "Broker talks" for example - only brokers with a contract with the company are allowed to post new thread there or "answers" there - for obvious reasons)

The rest : it is a part of the forum transition and migration since the owner of the forum has been changed. We believe that all the issues will be resolved in a short time frame


Thank you for replying!

We already have a thread in the section (I attached the link) but I'm unable to post there. Do we need to make a contract with Forex-TSD? Is there a way to contact you by e-mail on this subject?

Best regards, Rachel


Hi! We would really appreciate help or information on how to post in the existing thread that I linked.

Best regards, Rachel.

Hi! We would really appreciate help or information on how to post in the existing thread that I linked. Best regards, Rachel.

Please contact and clarify any issues or plans that you might have with that thread



Sorry, I have not received any reply from the support so far. Is there any other way to contact them?


Hi moderators,

i think this is the proper thread for to ask about any technical issue,often my posts are replied as unapproved,and i tries again and again with same reply but next time after some hours or next day i found multiple of my posts of same post,may be some thing wrong from my side ?


unapproved.png  30 kb
unapproved.png  30 kb
Hi moderators,

i think this is the proper thread for to ask about any technical issue,often my posts are replied as unapproved,and i tries again and again with same reply but next time after some hours or next day i found multiple of my posts of same post,may be some thing wrong from my side ?



Yes, I have noticed that too

For some reason your posts go to moderation queue. I am proving them as soon as I notice them, but will ask the developers too why does it happen



Yes, I have noticed that too

For some reason your posts go to moderation queue. I am proving them as soon as I notice them, but will ask the developers too why does it happen

Dearest MLADEN,

so much thanks for early reply,and next time i will be posting once,considering my posts are in queue and lastly that will be uploaded,thanks.



Dearest MLADEN,

can i know about the notification ,am receiving here,what it means when some body following me ?


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Dearest MLADEN,

can i know about the notification ,am receiving here,what it means when some body following me ?


It means that someone wants to be notified when you post something