Are the days of high leverage over? - page 2


I hope they ban high leverage


If someone wants to risk, let him. Otherwise they are going to ruin something else.

If someone wants to risk, let him. Otherwise they are going to ruin something else.

Wrong logic. People has to be warned of the dangers of high leverages. We can not just watch people commit suicide and tell nothing

So how can I earn something from my 500 bucks and 1:20 leverage? Leverage is necessary thing but not suitable for those who don't know how to control risks (did not update the results, there, but that account is closed now)

PS: Trading with $500 is not trading. It is gambling. Lets call the thing using their real names. If somebody wants to gamble let him gamble, but that is not trading. Period

Re: Are the days of high leverage over? So how can I earn something from my 500 bucks and 1:20 leverage? Leverage is necessary thing but not suitable for those who don't know how to control risks

Well, that is reason No.1 fore traders failure : undercapitalization

Well, that is reason No.1 fore traders failure : undercapitalization

It is only natural : people are hoping

But they are hoping when they buy a a lottery ticket too. And they don't call a lottery ticket "trading"


That's true. Newbies who start with their trivial 300-500$ are doomed to fail without exceptions in 1-6 months run.

After losing around 1K, I've started my serious trading at HF with 10K deposit.

Still alive

That is so true

People really should try small accounts with high leverage just to see what it looks like to lose fast


That is so true

People really should try small accounts with high leverage just to see what it looks like to lose fast

That should cure some dreams

Uncle Flintop:
By and large we the traders are like to trade in a high leverage for making profit instantly especially the traders who are newcomers. In my trading career, for avoiding risk, I at all times use small leverage, even though, I am getting 1:400 leverage from my trading platform MXTrade. But, in my demo trading, I took high leverage to see the performance how it works.

We must know what is a correct trading leverage and use that setting in our trades. If we are wise then we will make good use of this and start to earn a good income in our trading also


You can not change the leverage as some setting.

You have to know it at the moment of opening your account - and that is the catch