How was forex able to change your life?


I know all of us here knows that forex is a way to earn money. It may be a part time way to earn and for some it is their stable source of income and have considered it their job already. Now for all we know, forex have done something in our lives. Sometimes we noticed it, sometimes we take them for granted.

Now my question for all the traders here, how was forex able to change your life? Or was it able to change you? Is it a change for the better or a change for the worst?



My name ismo I live in West Africa, I can tell you forex has changed my life. I quit school very young after having failed in my examination. before you even leave my studies I m'interresse lot about ways to make money online, I try more stuff like hyip, blogging, and more. after having try way to earn money without success I fall on the forex pub that request to be a ib, I try to be ib for some months to work I start making $ 200 months. so I decided to learn forex and be ib I can present his works for me back side.


By teaching me discipline and emotional stability.


When I was a student I need some extra money . I had not time to do any job due to my studies. Then forex helped me . I make earning from it. It changed my life. Without it My studies will effect , I maintain my position in studies and make money for my needs from forex trading. Now in practical life too forx is my friend .


I Loss My Friends From 5 Years....

But Now The Forex It's Just Friend Me

Some Time I Speak The Chart