The big fat Greek blame game - page 6


If the far right wins, then Greece will be just the same as the rest of the EU


Low turnout reported in Greek election

Reuters are reporting that early turnout for the Greek election today appears to be low, reflecting weariness amongst the electorate for the third ballot this year

Officials at one polling station in central Athens told Reuters that by midday only 37 of 530 registered voters had cast votes. At another station just 51 from 512 had done so

Greek broadcaster ERT said one polling station in an Athens suburb recorded only 25 votes cast in the first 3 hours

With the last polls showing a narrow lead for Tsipras and Syriza there were 10% undecided although they tended in that direction too

So an apathetic/low turn out today could well cause some upset and add to the expected coalition talk turmoil


Greece-Tsipras wins election, says he feels vindicated

Alexis Tsipras has won the Greek electionDoing his best trader-who-lost-but-now-says-he-was-right-all-along impression Tsipras says he feels 'vindicated'

His job as PM now comes with knee-pads for when he next speaks with the EU


Incredible : they did not learn who sold them? Men are sheeple

Incredible : they did not learn who sold them? Men are sheeple

They are hoping that he will not do the same thing twice. That is sad

They are hoping that he will not do the same thing twice. That is sad

What else can they do : once again what already happened?


Germany is happy that the Greek banks capital shortfall is smaller than in bailout If Germany is happy, we should all be ahppy A German finance ministry spokesman popping up on Reuters to tell us how happy they are that the capital hole was less than it was in the bailout