What do you guys think about FULL MARGIN Trading?


What do you guys think about Full Margin Trading?

I have seen some people being very successful with it.


If you are talking about binary options, then not much


No Im not referring to Binary Options. Im referring to Full Margin Trading using your Live Account or Competing in Forex Contests with Demo Amounts. I came across this trading style in one of the Platforms. So I wish to know if anyone has strategies or ideas about it..


sorry im no so sure. lets see what other traders have to say!

No Im not referring to Binary Options. Im referring to Full Margin Trading using your Live Account or Competing in Forex Contests with Demo Amounts. I came across this trading style in one of the Platforms. So I wish to know if anyone has strategies or ideas about it..

You mean : risk to the maximum. Gambling


That is a term that some brokers started to use for maximal risk (without calling it maximal risk - that would not attract clients) trading. No need to explain further


full margin trading ? it's not trading anymore I think. many traders may desperate enough and put it all in one shot! but I bet they only risk only small amount of deposit. unless they're crazy enough to flush out 100k usd deposit in one single entry trade.

full margin trading ? it's not trading anymore I think. many traders may desperate enough and put it all in one shot! but I bet they only risk only small amount of deposit. unless they're crazy enough to flush out 100k usd deposit in one single entry trade.

From all that I could find about it, that is anything but trading

I would not trade that way in my life


They are inventing newer and newer ways to make people gamble instead to trade. Nothing new. The usual grab their money schemes


That is gambling in its worst way

full margin trading ? it's not trading anymore I think. many traders may desperate enough and put it all in one shot! but I bet they only risk only small amount of deposit. unless they're crazy enough to flush out 100k usd deposit in one single entry trade.

Could not agree more