Programmers Contest : Who can find more bugs in less time. Are you interested to participate ? - page 7


We have 23 users interested but only 3 registered as participant to the first contest. So I suppose the date/time is poorly chosen or the rules (no price) aren't good enough.

Maybe it's only the poll who interests people

Told you
I do agree we need to create a contest here especially after ATC was disbanded maybe for now we should collect views on which contest would be suitable then moderators could use inside powers to get metaquotes to introduce it. Contests especially those with prizes encourage more participation and make a site more lively but at the end of the day its the prize that attracts participation otherwise it will backfire big time you dont want a three man contest and also what timing method would you use to indiscriminately determine the quickest man? Angevoyageur I hope you get what i mean.
On this comment. But we do need an ATC replacement or we should do something to get ATC back.