Can I make 1 trillion dollars? - page 4


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One trillion dollars? Set yourself up a new Monarchy. Literally buy a country and everything in it, and make your own rules OR, build your own country in international waters. A large island Make it like 50x oil platforms, and then begin building the base better to make it a permanent thing. Call it your life raft


Making a trillion dollars is a impossible dream that may be made possible with factors like; capital; you have to start with at least 500 million dollars as capital; also ,you have to look for a broker similar to Profiforex that offers leverage of 1:500 to help widen your profit potentials; finally you have to have a trading system that has up to 85% winning strategy.

Making a trillion dollars is a impossible dream that may be made possible with factors like; capital; you have to start with at least 500 million dollars as capital; also ,you have to look for a broker similar to Profiforex that offers leverage of 1:500 to help widen your profit potentials; finally you have to have a trading system that has up to 85% winning strategy.

Let me see : 500 million at leverage 1:500 == 250 billion. That alone would kill any normal forex market and there is no broker at the face of this world that would give you leverage 1:500 on a 500 million account


maybe you can. when you are in a dream anything can happen.

maybe you can. when you are in a dream anything can happen.

What would you do with that money that is so special that you can not do it now?


Lets consider this half-seriously for a split second...

Can you make a trillion at a single broker? Not likely. At least I bet that your broker would scream in terror long before you reach a quarter of that sum (especially if it's the type who's bread and butter is not spread but hunting and betting against their customers), and you would certainly get into all sorts of issues with the country that broker is at long before you could transfer any of it. And I'm suspecting they could never pay you out completeley. Maybe I'm pessimistic...

Can you make a trillion at multiple brokers combining thousands of accounts? Maybe. But if you get beyond a point, I imagine you would be forced to make some hard decisions about your life. Money is more than a currency to pay your bills with. It is a sophisticated matrix of Control. And if you should become Neo of this Matrix, you will suddenly find that Mr. Smith takes and interest in you. But, in this Matrix there may or may not be a Morpheus around to save you from him when you are still vulnerable and oblivious to your own potential...

Who knows...


Of course it is possible - any profit is possible if the trader has a profitable trading system , it is able to determine the optimal place to enter the market and effectively confronts his emotions .


Also it is possible to move the moon with a long enough lever. Except there is no long enough lever