Looking for a chat application - page 3

Hey I just found your thread here and glad to know that you're looking for chat application for your website. I have heard about chatwing which is really easy and of course low of cost. You can login using your social media account like- Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus and more to register on Chatwing chatroom. Even you can send private message, banned users, and also can redesign. Over 1000 users can chat at a time using Chatwing chatroom. The more details here http://www.chatwing.com Hope thismight help you a lot. Enjoy!

Looks OK

Any catch?


For webinars you can also try Adobe Connect. I participated in one some days before and have to say 'Not bad, not bad.'

For webinars you can also try Adobe Connect. I participated in one some days before and have to say 'Not bad, not bad.'

What is the price of using it?


Oh, that it isn't free I was aware, but it is definitively a bit too expensive for our use. There are three options with 450$/month, 1250$/year and 3500$/year per customer, e.g. a distance university. For that money you also get a single PC license for Matlab or an high end CAD programm

Oh, that it isn't free I was aware, but it is definitively a bit too expensive for our use. There are three options with 450$/month, 1250$/year and 3500$/year per customer, e.g. a distance university. For that money you also get a single PC license for Matlab or an high end CAD programm

So it is for professionals

Thanks for the info


Yes, typical for Adobe users

Yes, typical for Adobe users

Pity. It would be very good to use that in regular group trading


Hi, just wanted to let you all know that we are still using Rumbletalk. You can always let me know if you need anything. I will be happy to assist you! I wanted to show you a demo chat so you can all see how it looks like.


I was used that too you refer denism but divert myself to chatwing because of it's new features. Many features have been added to chatwing chatroom. Even there is new apps for iPhone/iPad users too. So all of the facilities has inspired me to use Chatwing.

Hi, just wanted to let you all know that we are still using Rumbletalk. You can always let me know if you need anything. I will be happy to assist you! I wanted to show you a demo chat so you can all see how it looks like.

For how long that demo can be used?