Looking for a chat application - page 2


This research will hep me too. Thank you.


Hi guys,

Well I was using Rumbletalk and now it started having problems. It is lagging or not sending messages sometimes, not really sure what is wrong.

I did a research again and found CHATNOX, I am using it for the last 2 weeks and it is better and nicer than Rumbletalk was. It has all the functions as well and there is also offline messages which means you get messages to your mail directly. It is well integrated with social media and people will see updates you post there. Let me mention the best thing as well, it is much cheaper and it offers free option also. So it is worth a try. Just google CHATNOX and try it for yourself.

Have a nice day!


thanks for your sharing


Whatever chat application is used, there is a need for a server. And it needs a 24/7 moderation

on my own:
Whatever chat application is used, there is a need for a server. And it needs a 24/7 moderation

As far as I know chat application is used on the website for customer service.


Well guys I am back to Rumbletalk. They added a few options which I like a lot. Check it here: Best html chat

Embed a stylish hosted chatroom for your website. Advanced HTML5 group chat for your community. Attach Files and make Live video calls.
Well guys I am back to Rumbletalk. They added a few options which I like a lot. Check it here: Best html chat

Good. For how long are you using it and what are the costs?


Hey I just found your thread here and glad to know that you're looking for chat application for your website. I have heard about chatwing which is really easy and of course low of cost. You can login using your social media account like- Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus and more to register on Chatwing chatroom. Even you can send private message, banned users, and also can redesign. Over 1000 users can chat at a time using Chatwing chatroom. The more details here http://www.chatwing.com

Hope thismight help you a lot. Enjoy!