Need an alert for this --- CFP and %R



Can anyone create an alert when CFP first crosses zero AND then some specific value , CFP stays above/below zero aka never retraces back to zero, AND then %R crosses some number too? Need an alert when only these 2 conditions are met.

I'd like it to be email ready, useable on multiple charts at the same time, and really only need it for 1 specific time frame at a time.

CFP w alert EX4 and a CFP.mq4 attached, but %R is just the standard MT4 one. This is one of my old strategies using overbought oversold and I like it. Mladen has helped me in the past when I was on elite forum, but its been awhile since those days.

Thanks in advance!

cfp1.mq4  14 kb

Can atleast anyone refer me to where I could possibly do this ? I've google searched some web based ways of making this possible, but just doesnt seem likely with a custom indicator like CFP. THanks for any help , I'd really appreciate this ALOT. Message me too

Can atleast anyone refer me to where I could possibly do this ? I've google searched some web based ways of making this possible, but just doesnt seem likely with a custom indicator like CFP. THanks for any help , I'd really appreciate this ALOT. Message me too

For the CFP maybe try this one here: it has level cross alerts and if you change the levels to whatever levels you need, up to 4, it should alert as the level is crossed. As far as Wpr with ob/os alerts there are several here in the forum,maybe try first in this thread:


Mrtools, that was a big help. Thank you thank you very much... totally what I was looking for !