Error setting chart scale to 1 by code


Can anyone explainme why trying to force scale to 1 inside an indicator I get the error 4210? Here the code in the init ():

long scala;


bool result;

result= ChartGetInteger(ChartID(),CHART_SCALE_PT_PER_BAR,0,scala);

if (result!= true) Print(__FUNCTION__+", Error Code = ",GetLastError());

Print("Scala =",scala);

result= ChartSetInteger(ChartID(),CHART_SCALE_PT_PER_BAR,0,1);

if (result!= true) Print(__FUNCTION__+", Error Code = ",GetLastError());

double verificascala1to1 ;

result= ChartGetDouble(ChartID(),CHART_POINTS_PER_BAR,0,verificascala1to1);

if (result!= true) Print(__FUNCTION__+", Error Code = ",GetLastError());

Print("Scala del grafico=",verificascala1to1);

if (verificascala1to1!=1) result= ChartSetDouble(ChartID(),CHART_POINTS_PER_BAR,1);

if (result!= true) Print(__FUNCTION__+", Error Code = ",GetLastError());

result= ChartGetDouble(ChartID(),CHART_POINTS_PER_BAR,0,verificascala1to1);

if (result!= true) Print(__FUNCTION__+", Error Code = ",GetLastError());

Print("Scala del grafico=",verificascala1to1);

Can anyone explainme why trying to force scale to 1 inside an indicator I get the error 4210? Here the code in the init ():

long scala;


bool result;

result= ChartGetInteger(ChartID(),CHART_SCALE_PT_PER_BAR,0,scala);

if (result!= true) Print(__FUNCTION__+", Error Code = ",GetLastError());

Print("Scala =",scala);

result= ChartSetInteger(ChartID(),CHART_SCALE_PT_PER_BAR,0,1);

if (result!= true) Print(__FUNCTION__+", Error Code = ",GetLastError());

double verificascala1to1 ;

result= ChartGetDouble(ChartID(),CHART_POINTS_PER_BAR,0,verificascala1to1);

if (result!= true) Print(__FUNCTION__+", Error Code = ",GetLastError());

Print("Scala del grafico=",verificascala1to1);

if (verificascala1to1!=1) result= ChartSetDouble(ChartID(),CHART_POINTS_PER_BAR,1);

if (result!= true) Print(__FUNCTION__+", Error Code = ",GetLastError());

result= ChartGetDouble(ChartID(),CHART_POINTS_PER_BAR,0,verificascala1to1);

if (result!= true) Print(__FUNCTION__+", Error Code = ",GetLastError());

Print("Scala del grafico=",verificascala1to1);

Looks like you are trying to use properties that are specific for metatrader 5 and do not exist in metatrader 4

Can anyone explainme why trying to force scale to 1 inside an indicator I get the error 4210? Here the code in the init ():

long scala;


bool result;

result= ChartGetInteger(ChartID(),CHART_SCALE_PT_PER_BAR,0,scala);

if (result!= true) Print(__FUNCTION__+", Error Code = ",GetLastError());

Print("Scala =",scala);

result= ChartSetInteger(ChartID(),CHART_SCALE_PT_PER_BAR,0,1);

if (result!= true) Print(__FUNCTION__+", Error Code = ",GetLastError());

double verificascala1to1 ;

result= ChartGetDouble(ChartID(),CHART_POINTS_PER_BAR,0,verificascala1to1);

if (result!= true) Print(__FUNCTION__+", Error Code = ",GetLastError());

Print("Scala del grafico=",verificascala1to1);

if (verificascala1to1!=1) result= ChartSetDouble(ChartID(),CHART_POINTS_PER_BAR,1);

if (result!= true) Print(__FUNCTION__+", Error Code = ",GetLastError());

result= ChartGetDouble(ChartID(),CHART_POINTS_PER_BAR,0,verificascala1to1);

if (result!= true) Print(__FUNCTION__+", Error Code = ",GetLastError());

Print("Scala del grafico=",verificascala1to1);

Looks like you are trying to use properties that are specific for metatrader 5 and do not exist in metatrader 4 (the error is set even when you try to get the value and if you try to use some other value than 1

Looks like you are trying to use properties that are specific for metatrader 5 and do not exist in metatrader 4 (the error is set even when you try to get the value and if you try to use some other value than 1

Thak you Madlen, but is there a way to set scale to 1 in MT4? The online help tell to setthe property CHART_POINTS_PER_BAR & CHART_SCALE_PT_PER_BAR

Thak you Madlen, but is there a way to set scale to 1 in MT4? The online help tell to setthe property CHART_POINTS_PER_BAR & CHART_SCALE_PT_PER_BAR

It is either an error in their documentation (that they included it in the metatrader 4 help file simply by error) or a run time error (bug in the new metatrader 4). I used slightly modified code of yours to check, and all 4 steps when you refer those properties are returning the same error regardless of the value that is used to set those properties:

#property indicator_chart_window

int OnInit()


long scala;


bool result;

result= ChartGetInteger(ChartID(),CHART_SCALE_PT_PER_BAR,0 ,scala);

if (result!= true) Print(__FUNCTION__+", Error Code = ",GetLastError());

Print("Scala =",scala);


result= ChartSetInteger(ChartID(),CHART_SCALE_PT_PER_BAR,0 ,10);

if (result!= true) Print(__FUNCTION__+", Error Code 1 = ",GetLastError());

double verificascala1to1 ;


result= ChartGetDouble(ChartID(),CHART_POINTS_PER_BAR,0,verificascala1to1);

if (result!= true) Print(__FUNCTION__+", Error Code 2 = ",GetLastError());

Print("Scala del grafico=",verificascala1to1);


if (verificascala1to1!=1) result= ChartSetDouble(ChartID(),CHART_POINTS_PER_BAR,10);

if (result!= true) Print(__FUNCTION__+", Error Code 3 = ",GetLastError());


result= ChartGetDouble(ChartID(),CHART_POINTS_PER_BAR,0,verificascala1to1);

if (result!= true) Print(__FUNCTION__+", Error Code 4 = ",GetLastError());

Print("Scala del grafico=",verificascala1to1);



int OnCalculate (const int rates_total, // size of input time series

const int prev_calculated, // bars handled in previous call

const datetime& time[], // Time

const double& open[], // Open

const double& high[], // High

const double& low[], // Low

const double& close[], // Close

const long& tick_volume[], // Tick Volume

const long& volume[], // Real Volume

const int& spread[] // Spread





It' s correct, in MT4 the only way to set scale 1:1 and verifying the changing is this one:


result= ChartGetInteger(ChartID(),CHART_SCALEFIX_11,0,verificascala1to1);

if (result!= true) Print(__FUNCTION__+", Error Code = ",GetLastError());

Print("Scala del grafico=",verificascala1to1);


result= ChartSetInteger(ChartID(),CHART_SCALEFIX_11,0,1);

if (result!= true) Print(__FUNCTION__+", Error Code = ",GetLastError());


result= ChartGetInteger(ChartID(),CHART_SCALEFIX_11,0,verificascala1to1);

if (result!= true) Print(__FUNCTION__+", Error Code = ",GetLastError());

Print("Scala del grafico=",verificascala1to1);