What is the first thing you do when start trading? - page 2


the First thing I do is "turn the music On"

You should first read reviews of the broker you want to trade with. Align your personal goals and temperament with the instruments and markets that you can comfortably relate to. And of course you should always keep on learning

Thanks for post. But which features can tell me that broker is reliable? For example, low spread is good. What else can you recommend?

the First thing I do is "turn the music On"

And twhat happens when the music is off?


Nothing. I first take a half an hour before I start considering what to do. In the first half hour I never make decisions


Drink a cup of tea. And another one. And another one.


First step is always a proper previous learning, without that a trader won't be able to understand the market trends and read the indicators in order to set their strategy. After that, the practice comes, with a demo account to test your skills gained during the training and also your strategy.


Its good idea to find a friend who already trades for some time . so you have someone to give advise and support.

First I decide if I want to trade that day or not (like the FOMC day that I did not trade)

For newbies, firstly you need to make research to find out a reliable broker, then practice with demo account to have a basic understanding of forex. With the increase of experience, you will perform better.


My first thing is my berst trading pair EURUSD that is considered as a base currency in this market place. Practically, we the traders in particularly newcomers are fully depending on this pair because of its usability.


Isn't the last thing you do in the day more important than the first?